I was gonna say Starbucks, but this is a good option too!
I was gonna say Starbucks, but this is a good option too!
Man. Dick’s head looks huge in that pic.
I dunno. I’m pretty comfortable with it.
Our lesbians beat the shit out of their lesbians.
Shiiiiiit I had trouble hiding my boner when wearing jeans. That’s just something that’s hard to hide no matter what you’re wearing.
Very interesting summary. Thank you.
I get where you’re coming from. From a scientific perspective, there’s no denying she’s genetically male. It’s not a matter of discrimination, it’s objective reality. And yes, sex and gender are different blah blah blah. I’ll never understand it completely either, but I don’t have to.
Lol. This is starting to look like the fatpeoplehate reddit. I love the irony.
A few guys I served with lost eyes during tours in Iraq or Afghanistan. One of these guys actually used both an eye patch and a glass eye. He would mess with people and lift up the eye patch, only to reveal a solid white or black glass eye underneath with a wicked scar going across his eye socket.
Yeah, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s late last year, and I can confirm that it is both super painful and extremely embarrassing. Alabama (of all places) recently passed a medical marijuana bill through the state legislature, so assuming it passes through the senate, I will soon be medicating the shit (ha) out of myself.
Lol what the fuck? What kind of distopian healthcare system are you enrolled in??
This is how I feel about it too. I just don't even give a shit if the final books ever come out at this point, since there is little reason to actually read them. The show is going to be all anyone remembers anyways.
Well, there could be little bits of poo pretty much everywhere. However, I would also like an expert to weigh in on the matter. I have friends who swear ass licking is the best thing they've ever done or had done to them.
One of my lesbian friends is all about going to strip clubs, and it is NEVER this big of a deal for her.
+1 from me. Speaking from experience, the training really does make you view killing as "no big deal". Many running cadences were about killing as a fun activity. It sounds stupid, but things like that are effective at fostering an extremely tough mental mindset DURING wartime, but not so much afterwards.