
On a related note, I think the worry for sexual harassment and/or inappropriate relationships is a little misguided. That already happens in all-male infantry line units before the introduction of women.

Having served in an Army infantry company during 2 separate year-long combat deployments, I am a little puzzled by the push for women to get into these combat roles. Combat sucks. You don't want to be there. I don't know anyone who wanted to be there.

Will someone please THINK OF THE BEARS??!

Indeed. My comment was in reply to someone claiming that we were using "19th century understandings of biology" to define gender. So you're lacking context.

Good choice. Dolphins are amazing!


We are essentially all animals.

I find it hilarious that it's 2014 and people are still using 19th century understandings of biology to define species. I am a T-Rex trapped in a man's body, because modern biology.

Women in 3rd-world countries typically have bigger problems staring at them: Not being able to show their faces in public, forced genital mutilation, being sold to husbands before they even reach puberty, etc...

While I'm sure it's incredibly easy to enforce an "anti-leering" rule [sarcasm], I'm also certain that school is not the place to be showing off thongs. That being said, I completely agree that the girls shouldn't be punished for a boy's inability to focus. Surely there is some middle-ground.

Fine, but first you point out where he said that boy hormones are worse than girl hormones. He didn't. He was detailing his experience to illustrate the point that hormones have a large affect on your behavior, whether you want it or not.

If I had been wearing tights or leggings at my high school (as a boy...and assuming that I wasn't playing a part in a play or something), I assure you that I would have gotten in trouble. Also, I think I may have frightened some of the girls.

I don't think there was a question of whose hormones were worse. It's that hormones affect both sexes. Hence the masturbation, loneliness, etc. It's nice that you want to make a competition out of it, though. You win, your hormones were meaner than mine! Whatever.

All of my likes. You has them.

The same can be said for boys, then. We are not always successful.

Lol. Fair point.

Those days were both awesome and terrible.

You clearly don't speak for every girl. I know from experience that there were girls in high school who expressed their sexuality quite effectively. Your claim that girls are taught the same way is silly. So throttle back on the "boys are bad" schtick.

First-world problems, yo. The more important thing is that they're learning to use their voices collectively.