
I think it would be interesting to look at well-written heroes who are near-universally loved pretty much only by only women (Anne Shirley, Jo March, Elizabeth Bennet, trying to think of a similar example in movies not based on books...).

High score achieved, victory attained.

Just as suggesting that one work of art is representative of women’s experiences is ridiculous, so is the suggestion that one work of art can be representative of the #MeToo movement.

I’m reminded of the time when Billy Joel played at Notre Dame college, and they warned him not to play “Only the Good Die Young,” which caused him to play it five times in his set.

I think one of the foundational rules of American society is that if you have a criticism of Fred Rogers, you are automatically found to be holding the wrong position.

Now playing

Well, the good news is that aside from Donald Trump, even the Republicans don’t take Fox & Friends seriously.

It’s funny.....all the adults who for years have shit upon Millenials (now adults) and other kids....complaining they’re lazy, selfish, absorbed in their phones, have no direction, don’t vote, don’t care about issues etc etc.

My privacy

Viewing this trailer was ...surprisingly emotional for me. I try to maintain an aloof, Vulcan-like presence at work, but for whatever reason this really got to me. It’s a must-see, far as I’m concerned.

Given how much I enjoyed Hook as a kid (and how watching it as an adult after Robin’s passing makes it impossible not to be emotional about it) I am totally in for this. The trailer alone gave me massive flashbacks about me as a kid being a huge Pooh fan... I’d completely forgotten.

If this hasn’t cemented Doug Jones as Bela Lugosi 2.0...

as sassy as an olive-colored windbreaker from Eddie Bauer  

I think that that’s really all there is to it. I kind of keep up with celeb gossip, and she hasn’t really done anything . There’s always backlash. IMO, people like to build up celebs and then tear them down, especially female celebraties with any kind of a strong personality.

I’d like the mainstream media to stop referring to the NRA as a “gun rights advocacy group” and start referring to it more accurately as a “gun manufacturer’s lobbyist organization”.

I beginning to believe that whenever and actor or actress falls off after having a hot career, it’s probably because they wouldn’t play the game and turned down unwanted sexual advances. The women are then labeled bitchy, difficult and demanding. The men are labeled has beens, drunks or drug addicts who let themselves

The GOP role model, everyone:

“… the workers must be armed and organized. The whole proletariat must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition… Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”
– Karl Marx, famous gun-control advocate.

Oh, Wayne, please take a civics class. Unless you can name a specific *government* entity (law enforcement, FBI, CIA, Congress, the President, state legislatures, etc.) that physically prevents conservatives from speaking on college campuses, then you have no idea what the First Amendment says.

I wish someone would sit this blithering idiot down and tell him that the Second Amendment only protects the right to bear arms.