Mofuqin Stevens

He signed an NDA.

ALSO the song “Underwater” by HANA

I love them... but Osho was a homophobe... COME ON KIDS!

I read this as “tell that to the CORN scraps of Paul Ryan’s shredded dignity” and had myself a little laugh. For a hot sec I was like “YOU’RE RIGHT ISKARALPUST...HE IS CORN SCRAPS. HE’S CORN SCRAPS MCGEE...” But then I realized that it was a delusion, and there is no god.

Ah, didn’t Evans slut shame Black Widow with Doo Doo Breath Renner?

Won’t go into it but I feel like black people never needed his bougie ass show as the prerequisite media artifact to justify our existences. Not saying Malcolm is saying all that, but I feel like people talk about the Cosby show as if it actually stopped people from being killed. This is all to say that I don’t think

Has seeing a wayward titty ever traumatized anyone? What the actual fuck. A titty is a titty.

Also, where can I get a “No Means GTFO And If You Don’t I Will Literally Set You And Your Dudebros On Fire And Cackle” Shirt? And matches?

Where can I get a “Please Tell Me If You’re a Dudebro Who Thinks Rape Is Funny So That I Can Literally Set You On Fire And Cackle” T-shirt? I need it in a size small. Also I need matches. I’m working on a bit.

Oh shit.

For a second I saw:

I’m still upset about this.


I can't wait to be a Grandma.

That GIF tho.


...As I sit here in my Wonder Woman Tee...

This thing is the worst. I am so saddened my it.

Eat, Pray, this makes me want to kill myself.

I hope they have a deleted scene with Kevin Hart and a bunch of apprehensive brothers who don't trust white dudes on boats for some reason.