
Wow, I see the Gallardo’s been packing away the Ben & Jerry’s.

As the owner/driver of a 52-year old non-data collecting Volkswagen, I resemble that remark!

If you used your gas station loyalty card to buy gas at the same brand of fuel station multiple times along your route, the fuel station would also be able to piece together your route, and they don’t need data from your car to do it. Same could be said if you use the same credit card to buy gas, then your bank knows

My 1997 K2500 is not spying on me.

Does Toyota/Lexus not have a test driving team? Our Durability cars all sit outside and we treat them like an end user would. This would have been caught early.

Did they park too long near the Vdara Hotel pool area?

This, my friend, is the joke.

I have seen cars being parked next to the glass buildings and reflection would cause burns on the paint and the plastic trim.

Sometimes end consumers figure out issues that engineers can’t simply because they use their vehicles in a million unpredictable ways.


Everybody’s walkin’ at me,

Instead of complaining that he, a very rich man, has to pay a whole $9 to drive to see his kids, he could instead contemplate the factors that contributed to his children living, you know, elsewhere.

I knew I wasn’t going to be the first with the stain comments.  The interior is even BLUE.

Probably enough DNA still in there to clone Bill if you wanted.

Imagine the stains in that thing. 

just don’t get busy with a blacklight or anything...

Dis is why you go to da Gym, so dat you can build up MUUSCLES so dat you can rip Johny off the floor and take full control of the cab.

Take your star and get out!

Pulled off a beach in India by a dude in a oxen driven kart? All I can say is...

Stomach flu, ship motion and buffet. Name a more iconic trio.