its zayn.
Must have been rough when your husband was told "Thank you, but your wedding is held in another chapel!"
I am kind of surprised at the responses to this article. What I want to say is "Fuck Southwest for trying to be a moral compass of any kind. I don't need a gate agent monitoring my clothing choices for appropriateness". But what I am hoping is that someone will come in and rationally explain to me why it was ok for…
I'm guessing she was in the country illegally and had no money. The original article said the victim had not eaten in several days.
This whole thing should be a cautionary tale about pursuing narrative and cause over analyzing stories and facts on a case by case basis. But alas, the people that need to won't heed that lesson.
Whatever, Jezzies gonna come for me but.
"We're open to chat whenever you want to." She responded that she wasn't interested in meeting, and the men left.
Actually, if you read the whole piece, only 8 of the team's 46 members were even at the party (the others were away playing a game), the party wasn't an official team event, and the way they've been characterized by the administration isn't exactly reflective of the reality, which is much more complicated than "SPORTS…
Well, the journalism grad school, which is know for reviewing issues in journalism, is not the same people in administration adjudicating undergrad rape accusations.
This wasn't me being cheated on, but me witnessing cheating. I come from a small town, where everyone knows everyone else and their families. When I was in middle school, I was bullied fairly regularly by a boy who was on my bus route. He was a generally horrible kid, and bullied a lot of other children, but he seemed…
I may take the cake for cheating stories. Let me set the scene. When my son was born, my husband had been acting strange, but I chalked it up to pre-baby jitters. After 2 days of labor and a health baby, I was exhausted. We went to sleep the first night and I woke up to my husband texting. I asked who he was talking…
So I was living in Israel for a few years (I'm American) and fell in love with a soldier. He had an administrative job in the army so he came home every day. After about a year, he said he felt really guilty about "not doing his part" for the army. That he had a sudden urge to fight for his country and had volunteered…
Oh, that's easy. I used his computer to check my email with his permission. Signed on from sleep mode, saw the IM exchange about how much she wished I wasn't in the picture with a HUGE CLOSEUP PICTURE OF HER VULVA. You bet your ass I lost my shit.
I was going through his phone saw a picture of a headless body asked him who it was and he said it was me.