
so cute!!

The Victor Garber dis is unforgivable. Plus, ARTHUR DARVILL is in it and as a Doctor Who nerd, I will be watching the hell out of it.

No one you care about in Legends Tomorrow?? Not the old Superman? Not Wentworth Miller?? Not even Victor Garber???

As a psychologist, I fully appreciate your skepticism of evo-psych (although I do think it’s legitimate a small percentage of the time). This research seems more like evolutionary bio than psych though, since the focus is entirely on the genetic benefits of sexual selection rather than how said selection explains much

There is a difference between saying “She is unconcerned with whether or not you find her attractive” and “She is unconcerned with the way she looks.”

Wouldn’t you say that it’s not that she doesn’t care about looking nice (which she clearly does, and would never be in this utterly juvenile “hot” list is she genuinely didn’t care), but more that they are picking up on the vibe that she isn’t looking nice for THEM. She doesn’t care what they think, whether they deem

There’s a few key differences once you get past the one minute mark.

Pretty much everything you wrote could equally have been applied to The Flash pilot and The Flash turned out awesome.

I’m calling it now: Cancelled mid-season.

I’m not sure it could actually look worse.

Eramo wasn’t a rape victim. She’s not being sued by her alleged attacker. Her job included working with victims of sexual misconduct. We DON’T want people to avoid that type of job for fear that they might be the victim of a false smear campaign. It’s already not a fun job - disturbing events + the fact that either

because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins

Baby 1: “We need to have a serious talk about your choices”

Merlyn (John Barrowman) to Team Arrow:

I started to wonder about why society framed up menstruation as something disgusting.

Now I see that my cat has been reading this, and it all is so obvious. Like when I wake up in the middle of the night to find him lording over me staring with murder in his eyes, I sometimes catch his eye quickly and (like the email) he breaks eye contact like it was an accident and leaps off the bed making a loud