
Maybe they all found out they were the father!

Wow, I thought the line about other "highly regarded metal musicians" was some sort of sly dig at her bandmates, but holy shit

The cute boy who sits in front of me in biology told me he finds other boys attractive, so I grew a dick! My self esteem has never been higher.

Well damn, that's the final nail in the coffin for my dreams to go to France and be a skinny model for a boxed wine company while wearing a burqa.

It's brave of you to take a stand against the brutal whippings of slaves in our country's past.

I don't know, Ava. What makes you sure I'm human? I've never harmed, nor by mission of action allowed to be harmed, a human being. And I keep failing that damned Turing test.

During the late 19th & early 20th century, the British colonizers started their "Divide & Rule" campaign as to split the blunt demands of Independence from Indian citizens. This included manipulation of history to pitt Muslims and Hindus against each other. Of course, there had been animosity between both those

If you pick a girl up from a playground, you should probably check for I.D

If you are picking up women at a playground, probably best to ask their age.

I worked in retail for years, and without a doubt, regardless of clientele, geography, local income, or any other demographic you'd like to name, the ladies room was consistently dirtier than the men's rooms, and with a much higher chance of pure nastiness occurring.

As someone who worked in a restaurant for years, don't make that assumption. Men can fuck up a bathroom, yeah, but women can also be naaaasty. Put the changing station away from the urinals and it should be fine.

Choreplay is the idea that you can get a man to do more around the house by gifting him a little 'tang for his trouble

"They can contain dosages twice as high as Viagra itself," Cohen added.

The Rialto, CA experiment with them reduced use of excessive force by 90% and all use of force by over 50%. And that was in a department that already used cameras on their tasers, audio recorders, and cameras on their cars. In jurisdictions starting from zero for police monitoring the effect would be even greater.

Body cameras, body cameras, body cameras. On every officer, recording every minute of their work shift. Clearly, even with increased scrutiny they still feel compelled to make lethal decisions. Only with incontrovertible evidence can we stop this shit. It's time to let them know they are being watched.

Yep, you can pretty it up and claim he's totes ok with her banging other guys and they're "making their relationship work," but let's not muddle the facts. He developed a health condition and wasn't able to sexually perform and she went behind his back and got some on the side.

Making a cat dance for one's life partner goes beyond the physical realm of pleasure. Slightly lifting a cat to a semi standing position and wiggling it to music is the most intimate experience two humans can share.

It sounds like it was cheating until she got caught then it became something else. The something else seems okay to me. The cheating up until it was discussed turns me off.

my parents used to beat me pretty good. Same with a lot of my friends. Some of my friends will say that the fact that we all turned out to be decent law abiding is proof that beatings work. However, sometimes I feel like the reason I'm not a murderer has absolutely nothing to do with any beatings I took as a child. If