
There's nothing inherently wrong with sending out health-related emails, including tips for managing a healthy weight, though I would be annoyed. What is MAJORLY wrong is culling health center lists of students and targeting the ones that the school identifies as having a weight problem. That's a huge WTF.

And men can be naughty and get raped too. You can feel free to replace "woman" with "anyone" in my original comment if it makes you feel better.

Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.

Yes. Yes my real name is Ken Yadiggit.

For some reason it really bugged me when Profs would call me "Ms Yadiggit" in class. It felt really weird. Like when strangers call you Ma'am and you're like "if you only know what I did last night, you wouldn't consider me a ma'am."

Direct. Let's not beat around my bush.

I need to talk about this. It's a stock photo. One that I wanted to download as soon as I saw it (I choose pictures based on feelings), but when I went to get it, the system kicked me out! And then I spent ten minutes finding it again because oh my god, do you even see that thing? IS THERE A MORE PERFECT PICTURE?

Is this a stock photo? Because if it is, it's the best one I've ever seen!

Three Babies and a Baby.

In Tennessee, aggravated rape is a Class A felony, which incurs a fine of up to $50,000, at least 15 (and up to 60) years in prison, or both. That's 15 years per count.

If you're afraid you're doing something that's going to get your kids taken away from you, then you should probably have your kids taken away from you.

Is it really re-victimizing someone? If you are abused, obviously you are a victim, but if it is proven you are unable to protect your children/continuing to put them in dangerous situations, you shouldn't have your kids anymore. Someone who can protect them should have them.

I'm sure he didn't have an accent either.

*approaches suavely* "Why hello there, cupcake. I couldn't help noticing that you're not paper-white. Mind if I ask why?"

Its Raffey.

"You guys know about vampires?" Diaz asked. "You know, vampires have no reflections in a mirror? There's this idea that monsters don't have reflections in a mirror. And what I've always thought isn't that monsters don't have reflections in a mirror. It's that if you want to make a human being into a monster, deny

Given that in much of Africa, it is the mothers that do this to their daughters (and those mothers think it is normal because they had it done to them by their mothers), this punishment would make little sense in the wider context.

It's a little more complicated than what your everyday dude likes when watching porn. Most performers are against them for safety, health, and choice reasons - especially female performers. Filming scenes can take hours, and condoms increase friction, micro tears, and pain in the vagina and anus. This means female