
Also, his anti-medicine/vaxx crusade.

As a gamma male I mostly wear the pants. Unless I get angry if that happens I just bust right out of them. I usually like to wear purple pants as that color compliments my slighty greenish skin tone.

I know a girl who uses those terms. She always describes herself as an alpha and how she can't get along with other alphas and how alphas don't like it when other alphas are in their territory and I'm just sitting there like, are you human beings or fucking tigers? What is all this nonsense?

He is so beta, he won't make any decisions or plans or take responsibility for anything. I find myself longing for an alpha man.

I think there's a bit of a miscommunication going on though- she only "has to" make decisions because she hates every decision he makes, and feels she must control his. When men do this, it's controlling/abusive, and it sounds like she's verging on that line herself.

One time someone sarcastically implied my opinion would only "clutter up the comment section." That was 13 minutes ago, and I'm just barely getting over it.

Yeah, fuck Zora Neale Hurston and Shakespeare!

So if you're Type O, can you eat everything?

Did you get a flu shot? No?

Succinctly said.

I feel like the camera man has a gun pointed to Stephen Sondheim's cat or something off camera and is like, "You will stop bad-mouthing this movie, Stephen. Reassure the theater nerds, Stephen. Reassure them now."

Sober enough to take pictures and record the rape, and put a towel over the security camera when they moved her, but too drunk to understand what he was taking pictures of and recording and why he was trying to cover up their actions? It's not just a bad argument, it's literally nonsensical.

I know. I do NOT get why we are deferential to a person choosing to beat his child. It is not OK to beat a spouse, even a spouse who is a horrible jerk. It is not OK to beat a co-worker or a neighbor or a store clerk, all of whom may display wretched behavior. Why is it OK to beat a kid?

There is a wide range of fairly serious punishment that doesn't involve beating or physical violence. If my 10 year old did that, no, I would not beat him, because I don't hit people for swearing at me. (Or, you know, at all.) But the punishment for such appalling disrespect to a parent would involve severely

Corporal punishment doesn't even work on dogs. Why this is still a debate baffles me.

A good way to snatch items.

"One question: if you've got a husband, what do you need a night time babysitter for? What's that guy doing? I am curious."

I know the perfect guy.

I have no idea what's going on, so here's a PG lesbian sex gif

Stars: they're just like us!