
People of color do not need rich white over educated pampered liberals to defend them, anymore than they need them telling them who they should vote for. What a condescending pile of Noblesse oblige.

I’ve been posting dank 4chan memes there all morning. Viva La Liberta.

Or because it’s BS like the Al Jazeera story.

Now THIS is a question tailor made for your readers, Ashley.

Move away from Arkansas.

Maybe it was organized by the Oregon Wildlife Refuge Militia?

And, yet he will walk....with a cane maybe, but he’ll walk free of these fake charges. I’m sure you feel what you feel, passionately and honestly, but so do I....and I won’t lie, I’ll smile when these charges are dismissed very, very soon.


Oh, suck it, Trebek.

Your last post described me naked from the waist down after being raped....and now I’m a “dumb cunt” too. AND you describe the women as “whores”. Glad the others can look at your posts and get an idea of who and what kind of person shares their opinions. You’re not out to defend any women’s rights just love

“Piece of Shit” “Fuck You” “Cockpuppet”.....just for giving my opinion. My, my. surprised some of you didn’t just use the N-word, too. Nothing more hateful than a riled up racist mob.

Not sure why you included Sidney in your weird post, but the Man DID put Denzel in prison for tax evasion AND Eddie’s career was almost ruined by an arrest leaked to the press where cops “Just happened” to be there when he offered a hooker a ride. Black careers ruined by a combination of Government and people like you

A MILLION lies don’t make one truth. Now or ever. Lord, Janice “Just Tryin’ to Get Paid” Dickinson is one of your “victims”..... from 30 years ago! Rape apologist? Comparing THIS fake bullshit to rape is an insult to rape victims. I don’t know why you have such a Hollywood Loaf for putting this 80 year old blind black

Cosby walks. Suck it Gawker, you are going to have to witch hunt elsewhere to ruin another black man’s career, legacy and life.

You’d get your white ass knocked out.

Everyone in prison is innocent, just ask them.

Seems suspicious. We need to build a fence and make Oahu pay for it.

There is NO excuse for TWO American boats to “accidentely” drift into Iranian waters.

Do you have any idea how hard it was to get adoption rights for gays because idiots on the right kept saying THIS was exactly what would happen? You have a sick form of Munchausen By Proxy, and rather than have your child start seeing a doctor I strongly suggest you and your partner do, first.

She’s transgender at FOUR YEARS OLD and you knew and changed pronouns at THREE? That sounds more like a lifestyle choice YOU are making for the child rather than letting her grow up and discover herself.