
Should we just make the checks out to Hulk Hogan?

Should we just make the checks out to Hulk Hogan?

Whew! That submarine is tearing through that ice like Hulk’s lawyers tore through Gawker!

LOL that face.

LOL at EVERYTHING that comes out of her mouth being a lie.

I respect him more for NOT knowing all the details of a Tomcat’s penis.

As much as I admire Malala, she is not a military strategist. We have heavily invested in education for girls in Afghanistan and Iraq, but they quickly become targets without direct military and police protection. The Islamist extremists are pretty hardcore murderers and educated women frighten them. Yes to educating

I love Jouie CK, I wish to GOD he was one of the Candidates.

Sweet Lord, this looks awful.

Uggh....Hollywood gets another STD.....Straight To Video.

Oh, ARE a Kappa.

I hope I live long enough to see us fake a landing on Mars, too.

“Nobody needs a face to live” - Berserk Chimpanzee

He’s not only a humoungous pussy and a bully....he’s not funny and his show sucks. I’m sorry he acted like that to you.

I knew this was going to be a mummified Anubis turd from the previews.

“Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man, you take it. “ Malcolm X

quit micro-aggressin’ me.

Then why join in the 40 years too late self-important circle jerks? A post on Facebook here, a post on Gawker there (instead of actually physically doing anything)....well, THAT should prove what a mighty liberal I am...EEEEEEEEEVERY time there’s a BLM’s like a contest to see which fine upstanding