

According to CNN Money (…l)“Florida law requires an appealing party to post a bond for the full amount of damages, but that requirement is capped at $50 million. Denton has been candid about the financial threat posed by the lawsuit. In January, he sold a minority stake in Gawker

capital to pay staff and maintain the site? a good reputation to attract worthwhile advertisers? Gawker has none of that now through their own asshattery

do you think that dipshit realized he was liable too when giving such answers??

They do nothing but post race bait articles. The chicken is finally coming home to roost. BROTHER

When Daulerio said ‘anyone over four years old is fair game’, it probably cinched it with quite a few of the jurors.

Schadenfreude. Too bad for FA. Moving on...

I heard they have to put up $50 million bond if they want to appeal it.

With all of the crap that makes it onto the main Gawker pager, I’m not surprised in the slightest.

Denton and Daulerio didn’t do themselves any favors acting like jackasses in court. I can’t believe they picked a Hulk Hogan sex tape as their hill to die on. The loss is completely deserved.

Tyler is a Real American so I’m sure he’ll get to keep his job after Gawker is renamed He might have to blog in a yellow leotard and headband, but whatever.


Florida demands that the winnings be placed in bond until the appeals are over. So basically the loser pays anyways, but might get the money back.

By Florida law they are required to pay at least 50m of the 155m just to file for appeal. RIP Kinja. We must now be flung to the dark corners of the internet.

Nah, appeals take forever. It will probably get reduced to some digestible size if they don’t reverse it.

Wishful thinking. RIP Gawker.

Tyler, I absolutely love your writing. Please tell me you will still be employed after The Hulkster owns Gawker. I look forward to Foxtrot Alpha every day.

“The exercise will last five weeks.”

It also noted that 50% of students at four-year public colleges and universities have stated that they have organized

Well, I can tell you one thing that has changed. Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them. And the environment on campus is like that in China in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. At any time you could find