
Thanks. here’s your complimentary “Molest Muffin”. Alright. Buh-bye.

She’s lucky it wasn’t during a Bill Cosby interview.

Al-Jazeera “news”....LOL.

A jingle Bell and a piece of Plastic Raindeer. Vagina wins Christmas AGAIN.

FREE COSBY! The white man just can’t stand a successful brother, and is willing to organize the most RIDICULOUS witch hunts to lynch them when they pop up. How do you defend yourself when someone tries to sue you 30 years after the “Fact”? Who among you could DIS-prove in a court of law something people claimed about

Please remember that any combat job women are ALLOWED to do now, they will also be REQUIRED to do in a draft. There will no longer be the female and gay exemptions to the draft in the future, so be careful what horrors you wish the government to make available to your daughters.

I can fap to this.

Including the white ones. Lol.

From the ugliness of her tweets, i kinds doubt her account is the true and entire story.

The Flash is a DC Superhero.

Why does the Oval Office smell like farts?

????? she did EXACTLY what the officers who had been there previously had told her to do.

Who would bet AGAINST this jacked powerhouse?

What on earth would you even DO with all them teenager feets?

Wow, I double checked and you’re even MORE famous than I thought.

No, no, YOU are the true American Hero.... I actually found found a photograph of you on 9/11. I was a fool to doubt you.

Enjoy your made up life, you miserable liar.

Could Al Hoosman have lost with any less dignity?

Were you the pussy hiding behind me as I stood a mere 99 yards away? Hahahahahaha....ain’t no liar like a Gawker liar.