
Yep, I know math too. 2,975 > 168.

you’re stoopid.

Where is your math on that, pal? Islamic Terrorists got a pretty big head start on 9/11.

Oh, Bullshit. you’re painting all Oklahomans with your own political brush. Most of them are only grieving and supporting those injured and killed, like they did during the OK City bombing, and like they do EVERY time there’s a tornado. These are good tough people. Sure there are some assholes who try and politicize

HEY! Don’t devalue the women on that committee, it most CERTAINLY was not all white males....4 of the 12 were women, and Elijah, Tammy and Linda are NOT white. In fact Linda Sanchez was my favorite of the night in trying to keep order and limit the INSANE length of the questioning.