
I mean, those wouldn’t have been the examples I would have used, but yeah. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Sadly this is where the world is heading. Even so Lord, come quickly.

This is some disgusting smut and you guys should not be covering it.

...Why though? This movie only exists to exist. They’ve already got “lol, here’s a famous and family-friendly character committing  acts of violence, which is the opposite of that! So whacky!” covered with this one movie.

I for one am glad that TMNT is a protected copyright this weirdo will never get his hands on.

Kinda like the way you just did? I read her comments, and I just don’t agree with what people are saying. That’s why I asked.

While I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I do enjoy gaming. This is what made me ask what the fuss is all about so I read her tweets and her essay and I didn’t take it as she’s transphobic. She didn’t come across as being afraid or have hate for the trans community. I see that she did have concerns as a biological woman,

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

#1 - Calling JK a “virulent transphobe” is a bit of an exaggeration, no? I suppose it’s subjective.

I knew you guys couldn’t write about this game without mentioning the transphobia fervor. Have you read the so-called anti-trans essay that she penned? It’s on her website. In it she advises caution to young people in being too quick to make irrevocable choices and points out that some predators may take advantage of

She’s not transphobic. She wants men to not yet find another way to oppress womens safe spaces through the use and legislation of the gender ideology. As a man, who is friends with trans women and women, I find that a more than fair thing to want for women. It’s not actually about trans people at all. It’s about how

I’ve said this before but fuck it, it needs to be said again and again until people get the message. I will die on this hill.

Most of the criticism I’ve seen of Velma has run along the lines of it being smug, mean-spirited, and not nearly as smart as it thinks…with the related criticism that the Scooby Doo connection only exists because the show wasn’t good enough to be made on its own merits.

As a queer person, I didn’t read it as a Bury Your Gays at all – they didn’t die because of homophobic brutality or tragedy, they died because they were old and content, it’s really the most beautiful, sweet, and sad episode of TV I’ve seen in a long time.

Undone was really compelling.

Are we counting rotoscoping as animation? If so, it’s probably Undone with Rosa Salazar & Bob Odenkirk. Beautiful show with really great explorations of family and mental health. But if we’re sticking to the cartoon world, the Harley Quinn series makes me laugh more than just about anything else.


I know it’s a pipe dream but I hope one ep of the Flash is a stealth finale to LoT, a la the final Lone Gunman episode in the X-Files (original) final season.

“In the MEANTIME...”

His confrontation with Picard is one of the great Trek moments

The whole “if you give your money to someone you are responsible for their views” thing is just... ridiculously naive. If anyone believes that, you shouldn’t be on this website, because The Herb and crew still reap any rewards from this site’s success. It’s a sad fact of the world that 90% of all money you spend is,