
Hamas could end this tomorrow by surrendering. They miscalculated and finally just pushed Israel past its breaking point, and so here we are with no real means to contain the response.

Stewart really should know better with this ridiculous false equivalence, or maybe he just got tired of getting yelled at by low-information leftists that he’s throwing them a bone.

Please stop giving these people attention.

Came here to post almost the exact same thing. IO9 needs to be better than that.

Came here to say that very thing.

Kinda wish no one would cover the Winnie the Pooh torture porn movies. Don’t give oxygen (free publicity) to that sort of thing.

Exactly. Women who disagree are automatically written by incels. What crap. They all have different motivations. Hence conflict. 

Sometimes females actually don’t get along just because they are both women, and sometimes they even fight over a man, even if it isn’t romantic. Your obsession with gender in this show is just weird at this point. Please consider your mental health and have someone else review this show, as you make it very clear

Covering a “proof-of-concept” trailer for “CASPER”?

I just saw discrimination lawsuit where a guy sued a company for something eerily similar to this feature that was meant to protect fragile groups and won, so I would look out Lyft! SJ is two-way street!

The VOY nods were fricking hilarious. When I saw the assimilated salamander sitting in Janeway’s chair I just laughed out loud. I needed that after a long day at work.

Sad they killed off the LD Klingons.

Transphopic = afraid that of trans people. I am not afraid of trans people. Be who you want, but do not pretend your experience is the same as mine.

Overall I liked it. I have some production nitpicks like the bouncy foam head pieces and Ahsoka’s homeless space poncho. It really seemed like the actors were very reluctant to make any bold choices in their performances, which is understandable given the legacy of these characters.

Just look at this Haircut.

No, honey.

And by the way, I am not trans phobic. I love everyone who wants to be who they want to be. My experience as a cisgender male tells me that being a trans man is definitely not the same as being a cisgender man. Using different pronouns doesn’t make someone a different person. 

If a man doesn’t have a penis and testicles, he’s not a man. And I am so very tired of anyone saying otherwise.

They seem to be pushing Ishamael as the pictures released a few weeks ago appear to show him advising the Seanchan.

His words are fair enough. Looking up the demographics of London and it’s 54% white. ‘English’ isn’t just a nationality in the way that ‘American’ is, it’s an ethnicity.