
TBH I'll go get vaccinated for anything they'll let me get vaccinated for. Gotta get my autism software upgrades somehow.  Also my loves this is your reminder that flu shots are in at the big pharmacies, you could go to Target today and get your flu shot and reward yourself with some Halloween decor you definitely

We gave the unvaxxed family the ultimatum, vaccines or no Christmas. They chose no Christmas. They think because they have antibodies they're immune forever. Since we have little kids and we don't know if they'll be vaccinated by December, Christmas is cancelled. I'm the evil, family wrecking wife in this scenario and

We did sent a lot of our extra doses to Mexico and Palestine last month. If we don’t get the rest of the world vaccinated we’ll just keep getting these lovely variants. 

I appreciate the kids going back to school (digital learning was definitely not quality time for us) but I never get sick of hanging out with my husband. He works from home so I can go bug him whenever I want.

I think that is the marriage you end up in if you feel like you need to get married to keep up with everyone else getting married, to have that dream wedding, to have kids by x age, to stop aunt Mabel from asking about it every Thanksgiving etc. And you end up with some dudebro. Getting married should be about finding

I wonder, completely seriously, if marrying Mr. Sex offender might have isolated her from a lot of the people who could talk to her honestly like this. Either that they couldn't support him being with him or that he's probably a controlling POS who would isolate her from her support network.  Like she's made a lot of

I got my covid vaccine and I didn't get any upgrades to my autism powers. I wanted some rainman shit.

Im actually really curious what people in Trinidad think of her. I love her music but I just can't with her anymore. I gotta find some new female rappers.

I can not for the life of me find the quote, but it was something like "does math faster than southern women at a christening". Y'all stay out of these folks business. He probably shouldn't be getting into a serious relationship this newly sober but you know, getting sober makes you take inventory of your whole life

I have not played this game at all but I keep reading about it so I had to look it up, and how are you supposed to date anyone other than Sunder? Man is fine. Dude looks like he's gonna ruin my life and I'm gonna let him.

Does anyone else absolutely hate that song? It skips over "not my taste" right into "sensory hell". 

When you ban a toy you know you just make the kid want that thing so much more right? My parents told me throughout my childhood that video games turned your brain to mush. The first thing I bought myself when I got a job in high school was an N64. Been spending my free time gaming ever since.

The only one I can think of I thought made the song better was Kendrick Lamars verse on Bad Blood. 

Some of y’all have never met an old lady who’s had to get rods in her toes to correct damage from years of wearing heels and it shows. 

Levitating is better without him on it, so he can go away because I have no idea what else he's ever done in his life. 

It actually does affect people who aren’t Britney, its brought some attention to disabity rights (especially the part about the forced IUD!) So that's pretty good.

Her lawyer said they still plan on checking the books so, probably not.

She’s probably never been taught how to handle her fortune either, since she was a teenager when she started. Does she actually like/trust the current conservator? Maybe she could gradually take over her own stuff as she feels comfortable with it.

Ive never seen Skins so IDK if he had an awkward teenage phase but I have a hard time believing he was ever anything but gorgeous. (I really wanna see the Green Knight but I think it's theaters only and I'm too spoiled by streaming to go back to theaters)

IUD all the way! I know many women have issues with hormonal birth control but I don't see any reason that most women need to have a period in this day and age. (Weren't they using some of that sweet weed tax money in Colorado to give teens free IUDs? Cuz mine was covered by insurance but I think it would've cost a