I thought Chris Evans was dating a gymnast? Aly something?
I thought Chris Evans was dating a gymnast? Aly something?
If he works for Emory its probably Atlanta, where you can get a decent size apartment or condo (not those closets yall call apartments in NYC).
This would have been a wedding no fromme, but only because I'm a giant trekkie.
Yes. I want a TV show about housewives who track down and sue sex offenders as a more lucrative side hustle than the latest MLM fad. Law and Order: Minivan Posse
Dude, I am raising my kids to be merciless, I'm doing a fine job too. They don't put up with bullshit from anyone.
Relax, we should know very soon! I've got my money on Spanish because us Italians don't want him.
There's been researchers suggesting that he was actually born in Spain and for whatever reason, had to pretend to be Italian. Right now they are using DNA to try narrow down the region he may be from. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/national-international/was-christopher-columbus-italian-or-spanish-scientists-are-using-…
Look the Italian American community doesn't claim this man, and there's DNA studies going on about Columbus right now that might mean we don't have to claim him either. We absolutely claim Bon Jovi, Marisa Tomei, and Danny DeVito.
Im assuming the Nicki Minaj feature was probably planned and finished before her anti-vaxx comments (I can't remember when the stuff about them trying to harass the victim into changing her story came out). But Sia, oh man, you know who has fantastic long term memory and holds grudges forever? Us autistic folks.
The only pizza we eat in our house is Domino's (kids favorite) or Detroit style (the superior pizza).
Every single person on both sides of this needs therapy. And for some reason this article made me downright joyful to be autistic, my brain is literally not capable of this kind of social strategizing. I just blurt out whatever pops into my head and it's my husband's favorite thing about me.
Unless you're a Star Trek fan, then you know the world had to go full WWIII/Mad Max before it got to luxury automated space communism.
When I worked in the library, materials for kids about having a parent incarcerated were definitely something we didn’t have enough of, but this partnership is icky. Reminds me of a few years ago when they came up with a really fantastic autistic character... and then partnered with Autism Speaks (which most of the…
In our house when the dog lays on you, you've been "chosen" and can't move. It also means someone else has to get your snacks and stuff so sometimes I hear across the house "mom, get me the remote, I'm chosen!"
I love Nicki's music but her music just has not been as good since she got with this dude. He's dragging her whole life down.
I think he's one of those trainers that tells you not to let your dog sleep in your bed, so that's when I know the whole trainer has to go in the trash. I sleep with a dog behind my legs and a cat on my pillow like God intended.
My dog (25% pitbull according to DNA test) is a giant baby who's scared of literally everything and hides behind my 6 year old. My golden retriever might kill you over a piece of cheese if she's having a bad day (she's very old).
I am adhd/autistic and I 100% could not remember all that choreography, could not handle public appearances, etc. I'm also a fully functional adult in charge of my own finances.
And for some reason, the terribly stereotyped Italian accent starting from a Japanese company is kind of endearing, whereas coming from an American movie studio would be a little offensive (the live action TV show in the 80s though, I must admit those guys totally reminded me of all my Italian relatives my dad's age…
If Pratt is going to do something similar to Lego Movie, my kids will probably love this film. If he tries to do some sort of fake Italian accent, that's a hell no from me.