The sad thing is that this will probably get him cancelled with the remaining folks that haven't cancelled him yet, just because now it involves males.
The sad thing is that this will probably get him cancelled with the remaining folks that haven't cancelled him yet, just because now it involves males.
Opposite here, I'm trying to get my husband to grow his hair out long, cuz I think it will be hot. And if it's not hot it's just hair and you can cut it. He's doing it just to make me happy.
This may be an age thing. Baldurs Gate was the first thing that came to mind when they said BioWare, but I am pushing 40.
I don’t really like Iggy’s music but at least as a pale blond girl she kind of stood out in her genre, I couldn’t pick her out of a line up here (actually I thought it was a Kardashian when I saw the picture). I'm so bored with this look.
Ok I know people said she didn't look like herself but I literally did not know who that was. She was so pretty!!
Yes! My kid isn't into it but my niece has a bunch of Polly Pocket.
Thats a good bra though, it looks like a good quality one. I’ve been doing a lot of bra shopping and I will definitely check out their site and see if they ship to the US.
Oh my God I have adhd, I can not listen to a podcast. Not unless I'm at the dentist.
Im confused, is Megan Rapinoe going to be like, modeling for VS? I need to know for reasons not related to a major girl crush I may or may not have.
Guys, the problem isn’t necessarily that the mentally ill refuse treatment (although that might be a problem) the bigger problem is, even if you desperately WANT treatment, it’s hard to find and cost prohibitive.
Literally no one was attacking breast milk. Your dog shouldn’t have milk that had been in the freezer for years. Your dog should not have more than a few tablespoons of milk as a treat, because lactose intolerance diarrhea is real and unpleasant (how human milk would compare to cow milk, to a dog's digestive system,…
If it's past the date you would keep any other dairy item in your fridge, throw it away.
Chill out, the problem is she fed her dog milk that had been in the freezer for years. Also, putting breastmilk on this “liquid gold” pedestal where people don’t want to throw it out is weird. Your baby doesn't need it any more? Cool, throw it away and make some room in your freezer. It's milk, it's not magic.
If I had to pick a side though, between the Warrens and the Osteens, I'd be team Warren all the way. (And I'm watching this movie on Friday the second my kids go to bed, I've been waiting since October when it was supposed to come out).
Im glad I don't have one of those tiny dogs that thinks it can fight God, instead I have a pit bull mix that is afraid of EVERYTHING and probably wouldn't go outside for a week if she even smelled a bear.
Waititi is the reason it’s one of their biggest franchises, there wouldn’t even be a 4th movie without him.
Oh, someone better get sued. There's no sense in living in the most lawsuit happy country in the world unless each of these kids gets enough money to never have a student loan.
if you were famous maybe doing Cameo videos would be kinda fun?
I don't know anything about Justin Bieber but if he was on drugs before and now he's not he might be learning to deal with life without drugs. And that's a journey.
She's a living goddess. And she makes movies and stuff.