
Taika Waititi is really out there living my best life huh? Tessa Thompson is the hottest girl in the world...

Im kind of stunned about Georgia's covid numbers, our vaccine rates aren't the best but our covid numbers have been super low. I don't think people outside the Atlanta metro are following good masking rules and such at all. But I'll take the dropping numbers!

If I’ve done the math right it’s 131 gallons of water, which makes it out to about 1000 pounds. You should definitely check that math. That’s the weight of putting 5 adult people on the deck. The question is really is your deck in good shape? Before we replaced ours it had lots of rotted wood really bad looking

No. That corset does not belong on someone that....IDK, basic? but with money? There’s gotta be someone with the style to pull it off and the cash to buy it.

TBH this would be the only thing that might get me to visit NYC other than a few historic landmarks. 

I have never met anyone who didn't like that movie. It was remarkable in the fact that people who generally like wildly different types of movies all liked it. So when I read that, I knew exactly who wrote this. The edgyedgelord hating everything that's popular thing is so over. 

Wait, you're looking at him in those pictures and deciding he looks better WITHOUT facial hair? That looks like a dude I'd cross the street to avoid walking too close to.

Nicki, I am so here for this. She's a mom now, she's gotta be comfy sometimes. 

The reason I love masks- I'm autistic. I make weird facial expressions that don't match the situation sometimes. I don't really have 100% idea what facial expression I might be making at any given time. And with a mask on it can stop thinking about it.

Ive got a nice long streak of grey hair that seems to chase men away. I'm never dyeing my hair again.

A lot of people wait for the kids to turn 18. It seems like kind of an arbitrary number, but I imagine in a divorce proceeding not having to deal with custody, child support, any of that is a big deal.

They argue that this “constitutes a false resistance, masking conformity to society’s unattainable standards of mothering and unequal systems that oppress women and inhibit well‐being.” All that irreverent endurance traps moms in a punishing paradigm: they rebel just enough to get through the day without ever

Can confirm. Even with good division of labor though, man sometimes it’s hard to stay up later than my kids. I swear we're not boring, just tired.

Yeah, I live in Georgia and I shop at Sprouts and it's where you shop if you can't afford whole foods. Some stuff is expensive there (specialty stuff like gluten free) but they actually have some pretty good chicken prices, better than Costco.  Publix is where I shop because Kroger is such a dumpster fire. 

I’m just over the nude lip trend in general. I want some nice dark colors to come back in style. I think this whole look is great on her except those gloves look painful. 

TBH that sounds like what I would do to get my coffee though.

Yep, I know someone who does all the back and forth via email, just goes in to sign the paperwork. He even tells them if he’s not out of there in an hour he’s walking.

I don’t want to sound cold and uncaring, but listen, thrifting is one of the few sources of dopamine left in my exhausting suburban existence. I will dragging my white housewife ass out of the house, over to Starbucks, and then on my monthly Goodwill trip and you can pry my vintage Baby Phat jeans out of my cold, dead

I saw something one time that said something to the effect “anything that only men like sucks” (I’m getting it wring i just woke up) but Joe is at the top of the list.  

Its hard to think of anything worse than antivax, but shaming someone back into smoking might be close. What a toxic combo.