
Given who he’s replacing, Johnny should really change his name to Manzielbergest

Has one conference ever run the table on #1 seeds? ACC came pretty close this year. Presumably there is an answer to this that would take, like 5 seconds of googling. Fuck it; I’d rather type a 30-second comment on a sports blog.

Just a hunch, but I’m betting they’re waaaaaay ahead of you.

Or, you know, stop sitting on your balls and come out of your zone defense to pressure the ball when you’re behind. That works too.

“Didn’t know they grew ‘em so small down on the farm.”

That’s Kylie. Kendall is only worth ~$20 million.

I’m gonna go shoot myself twice in the face now...once for our society’s depraved sense of value, and once for knowing what Kendall Fucking Jenner is worth.

This also works because Vlade is tall and Lurch-like.

I felt the same way about the number of words that comprised this article.  And yet, I read it, and am glad I did.

Didn’t get this at all at first, but then the light bulb finally flickered on in my brain.

I shouldn’t hold grudges against kids, but something rubs me the wrong way about a little kid having access to the kind of cash / favors required to sit front-row at an NBA game (and having the temerity of actually touching one of the players). I should probably just get over it, but I can’t help feeling like that kid

Well, if his own lawyer is “pretty much certain” that his client is innocent, I guess we’re done here.  Or at least I’m pretty sure we’re done.  

Holy shit. Dying. 

Do I enjoy asking myself questions that I wish someone had actually asked? Yes. Does that make me sound like an asshole? Probably.

This comment filled up my senses.


Random aside that might interest a couple of folks: the phrase LeBron used in his post re: “calling a spade a spade” is a bit controversial these days. While its origin has nothing to do with race (it’s referring to the gardening tool), but using it today is a liiiiiitle iffy.

Fun fact about Haglund’s deformity that makes this story even more cringe-worthy: it is commonly associated with women who spend a lot of time in high heels. This is why it’s often referred to as “pump bump.”

I hope you like punts...

The mystery continues, in some way.

Good God, how tall is that sideline reporter?  6'7"?