
I am generally not a fan of HamNo and often disagree with his economic opinions (probably because I’m a center-lefty and he’s a pure lefty).

But on this issue, he is exactly right. If she is elected, the CGI should close shop. Not only are there lots of great charities to absorb the newly-available funding, but there

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For the uninitiated. John Fucking Tesh wrote that song.

I’d be more convinced if they had limited their analysis to lanes 5-8. Including lane 4 means adding another pre-race favorite, and it stands to reason that swimmers in lane 4 have a higher likelihood of winning than outer lanes.

Not to mention the fact that lanes comparing a 3-lane sample with a 5-lane sample seems

Drug deal gone bad?

Oh, we’re fucking DONE here.

Sure as hell didn’t help that Sweden’s coach knows all of our players’ PK tendencies because she used to coach us for years. I think the Swedish keeper guess correctly on 4 of 5 shots (and the 5th was Press’s skyball).

Everyone who loves sports should know about The Look in the 2001 TdF. It’s what immediately popped into my mind when Michael Phelps was stewing in the corner the other day as Le Clos shadowboxed like a jackass in front of him. Both looks said the same thing: “I’m gonna beat your ass, motherfucker.”

Looks like SOMEBODY doesn’t know what “lol” means.

Kelly Tripucka and his trusty scrote has to be in the Top 5.

My favorite example of Mallard Filmore (yes, it’s parody...but in many ways it’s a better representation of the comic than the actual comic).

I don’t use Twitter and generally despise hastag culture, but I’d still kind of like to get #PuigYourFriend trending. This should be A Thing.

Um, what the fuck am I watching?

Take the bottom half of those baseball pants home with you, throw ‘em in a pot, add some broth, a potato — baby, you got a stew going!

God, that’s cold (and tremendous).

At least it didn’t roll into his divot.

Weird. Hample took it on the chin, but McCann ended up with the swollen face. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“If you were one of the 300 best Whatevers in the world, you’d probably expect to make a shitload of money, too. Especially if the Whatever in which you excelled provided a large amount of utility to society as measured by their willingness to pay to consume it.”


As Kevin Draper could attest, LeBron would also light the ultimate frisbee world on fire, were he so inclined .

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What kind of an asshole puts a self-promoting copyright on an image they found on the internet? I know it’s probably his twitter lackey, but Christ. Unless you’re a fucking homesteader in the 1800s, you can’t just plant your flag in the ground and say “HYAH, THIS IS MINE NOW!!”