
That is the thing about a health screening. Everyone it catches does not necessarily have the disease in question. But it’s one of those civil society things. Society depends on the innate decency of humans to tell the truth, then those honest humans suffer personal inconvenience for the greater good. Without that?

After her posts went viral (let it go)

As someone who is immunocompromised, may I just say: I hope she gets an infected ingrown taint hair that doesn’t heal right for at least a month. 

Now my son is a picky eater because of a sensory issue. So its not the typical kid picky eater issue.

If you don’t want to accommodate other people’s kids, don’t invite them. Don’t think of children as separate sub-guests. Would you be so demanding of your adult guests? I have friends who are pescatarian, vegetarian, and vegan; friends who are gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free (not for any medical reason);

Meh, blood isn’t that gross. Milk is gross, but people chug that in ads all the time.

Nope. I like The Office and all but I refuse to subscribe to any of these types of streaming services because I want them to fail. Netflix is worth it to me, having some sort of live streaming option is great for sports and other events (I still have a discounted AT&T NOW plan so for now I am keeping that), HBO is

I typically make up a fake name and scenario about some kid at school.

Yes. This is what all the advice columns tell you to do. Set and enforce your boundaries.

*dusts off her Rah Rah Mental Health soapbox, steps on it, clears her throat*

That they’re playing big eyed wounded innocence just confirms that they’re assholes. He asked you not to do that, you did it anyway. You suck. 

So, Driver was like: “You know this one thing? Don’t do the thing.”

After reading the Variety article there doesn’t seem to be any comment from Adam Driver or his publicist about the ‘incident’ so we don’t even know if the clip thing is why he walked out. If it is, the only side of the story we get is from NPR which, cool.

So I love Fresh Air, and they always play clips of a guest’s recent work when they are they are performers. It’s part of the format. But surely, SURELY after what he told them, and since they knew to advise him to remove his headphones, they could have edited the clip in after the interview was recorded? I completely

I’m not famous, know no one famous but I HAAAAATE when people don’t respect boundaries. It’s infuriating and frustrating to tell someone ‘X makes me uncomfortable’ and have them just dismiss those feelings. Happens to me all the fucking time since my mother ignores all my cues, even outright statements like ‘Can we

I totally agree. He said he didn’t like it, they did it anyway. He had every right to leave and not put up with that crap. I don’t think that’s diva-ish, it’s enforcing a boundary.

No means no.

Nope. He set clear boundaries, has reiterated them over and over AND OVVVVVVER. He said he doesn’t like it. He said he doesn’t want it. That is not being a fucking diva.

It’s not being a diva to enforce a boundary that was intentionally ignored.

The answer to that would be zero.