
Yeah, weird how the girl who’s been skating on the edge of starvation for years and is basically a poster child for PTSD isn’t really interested in anything other than survival....

The thing that annoyed me the most was that you needed AT LEAST 6 people to succeed at a Rayquaza raid, but you can only invite 5 people for a remote raid - and remote raiders aren’t as powerful as those in person. So basically, if I wasn’t at an in person raid, I wasn’t likely going to succeed in defeating Rayquaza,

When the corporation is blatantly advertising the fact that they’re trying to starve out the workers in order to make them accept an unfair deal, then yeah, it’s pretty obvious that the union isn’t wrong here. And complaining about it isn’t being brave and thinking for yourself, it’s giving support to the other side’s

That is clearly Rita Repulsa’s dumpster.

I don’t know about state law, but city codes often have regulations regarding animal control that people should be aware of when owning cats. For example, in my city, you can be guilty of “harboring a stray” if you prevent an animal you don’t own from leaving your property for over 24 hours, female cats in heat must

This is FFX Shiva erasure

They have the new Campfire app, but it’s not integrated with the original game and it’s super clunky right now and thus not very useful.

There’s also the fact that the first AR game, Ingress, led to a LOT of really weird people basically stalking other players. I stopped playing after players from the other team would follow me around for “revenge” after I took out a portal they were defending.

When I was 11 I had to get oral surgery and then go back a week later to get the stitches removed. When I went in they looked at the incision, frowned, and said, “hmm, your gums have already started growing over the stitches.” Then shrugged and just snip snip snipped stitches and gum tissue alike before I had time to

If I don’t get a super loud Festivale outfit with glitter and feathers I riot

Speaking as someone who is currently trying to fill a position and has seen FAR too many resumes in the last three weeks - PDF. Please. And make sure it’s nicely formatted and legible, and CONCISE. If it’s more than two pages my eyes glaze over. Don’t be the person who sent me a nine page poorly spaced .doc crammed

Exactly. I grew up Republican, surrounded by Republicans, I know all about how they think and why.

Yeah I tried to explain to someone the concept of bodily autonomy and why I support getting rid of anti-abortion laws and all I got was vitriol about how I support killing babies.

There used to be someone in my town who owned an old white cargo van and had the police called on him so many times that, as an exasperated joke, he spray-painted “FREE CANDY” on the side.

When I worked for 911 I walked someone through delivering a baby over the phone, is that person now a doctor too?

There were a few amusing replies to that tweet, but there were also so many people offering support and telling him it was okay that he “made a mistake” that I had to stop reading. I mean, are they always that nice to sex offenders?


I beg your pardon but that is clearly a plethora of rubber ducks

I don’t know about every Hocus Pocus fan, I showed that to my sister and she was immediately Offended because “Binx isn’t a big-eyed anime cat!” XD

I don’t know about every Hocus Pocus fan, I showed that to my sister and she was immediately Offended because “Binx

Seconded, I’m very much a night owl but my office job kind of won’t let me work at 8 pm.