
Exactly what I came to say. Here Lucas is giving this assclown MORE attention. I never even heard of her until this article.

Influencers want everything except self respect.

Any word on if the “Liberty in Laundry Act” would mandate separating whites and colors?

Whenever I hear someone call themselves ‘alpha’, I assume their penis is so small that it is actually tucked inside their body.

“WhY ArEn’T tHeRe MoRe WoMeN iN STEM?”

a few comments here but no one making the “obvious” claim:

I have yet to meet any normal person who continues to throw the word “woke” around. 

So the guy is a walking internet troll desperate for attention. They should have immediately threw him out and denied him what he was seeking.

Shades of the Dashcon ballpit.

You drive 2 hours based on AI images and zero actual photos/reviews of any venue or event?

You know you’ve fallen pretty far when you’ve gone from shadow controlling world events to getting busted scamming 35 quid apiece from Scottish 8 year olds.

Stop trying to make fetch happen.

I MIGHT believe this IF their chest compressions came anywhere close to 2 inches...

Madame Web is a Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR.

I’m not sure if it’s the best Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR, but it certainly is A Pepsi-sponsored, spider-themed after-school special about learning CPR

You can tell Lily wasn’t real because her actions were extremely reasonable and normal by the standards of Reylo shippers.

Yeah, she’s done.

wow the Sequels ruined an other thing

Congrats to Corrain on her new career ghostwriting books for conservative politicians that are bulk-purchased by super-PACs.

Given the tone that previous GMG articles have had regarding AI-art-generation’s impact on artists, I’m extremely surprised that we’re basically advertising them here.

Stolen art generator. Articles like this are going to break illustrators’ livelihood. You’re just feeding their art into an algorithm without their knowledge and with zero compensation.