
Beware, there are already whiners all over the internet complaining about Root being played by a woman because GUUUUURLS CAN’T PLAY MALE CHARACTERS

My favorite part of the post-credits scene was that every single child in the theater screamed excitedly at the mention of Frozen 2 and was then dismayed not to get an actual trailer.

Exactly what happened to me - one of my best friends came out as trans and a couple others as gay, and I had to make a decision. Fistbump of solidarity here.

I used to be a Karen - I grew up in a very conservative household in a deeply red state where it was accepted that everyone sane and rational voted Republican. Then I got on the internet and started meeting people who weren’t like me and yet were sane and rational, and started to realize that maybe some of the stuff

Being a blue voter in a red state sure made my Thanksgiving interesting, let me tell you. 

The natives of the island gave that guy a whole lot more warning than a white dude with a gun in Florida would have.

I just want to know why the character designer stole Shiro from Voltron to make Scorpia.

It really made me wonder if they have a clothing shortage at Bright Moon or something, since Adora keeps wearing her Horde uniform all the time. I mean, if she wants to encourage people to trust her, then maybe she should...get some new clothes to wear...?

I had a really really really hard time with the first half of the first season - I thought it was really uninteresting and all the fat jokes about Hunk got very old very quickly, so I almost gave up. I can tell you now from the vantage point of season 7 that it’s worth sticking with it.

No, but I’ll add that to my list. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

I just listened to a podcast episode talking about Linda Hazzard’s “scientific fasting” nonsense yesterday, and those ridiculous juice cleanses are basically the spiritual successors of that:

Okay, but why is that person drowning in a ball pit, and why isn’t anyone saving them?

I’m pretty sure the judges could figure out his tricks, and yet they still awarded him the championship. So yeah, it really is that great.

It sounds a lot like what happened to my mother when she was pregnant with my older sister - she was apparently in labor for a week without realizing (it was Thanksgiving time and she was busy with preparations and assumed that she just had Braxton Hicks/a really bad backache/something, and her hips were apparently

Don’t forget John Curtis of Utah, the man who as mayor hired a police chief with a shady background and then covered up said chief’s harassment of city employees, and who after the Parkland shooting issued a statement saying that he also has kids and that's why he wants to make sure everyone can have as many guns as

It’s entirely possible that Utah elected a Democrat to the House (still waiting on the final tally). A Democrat. In UTAH. I’m thrilled. (Even if Mittens won, as sadly expected.)

For me it was Thief: Deadly Shadows, the entirety of the Shalebridge Cradle level. Especially toward the beginning when you’re going up the stairs and suddenly something starts pounding on the door above you. I was playing with a group of friends hanging out with me and watching and I was still scared out of my mind

Those of us with severe anxiety don’t need horror movies; we have our brains turning our everyday lives into one.