Why would Stewart take role? B/c like it or not, Mr. Allen has consistently written some of the best roles for woman in feature films for over 40 years; Hollywood could learn a lesson.
Why would Stewart take role? B/c like it or not, Mr. Allen has consistently written some of the best roles for woman in feature films for over 40 years; Hollywood could learn a lesson.
I just benefitted from Overbooking in a different way - I was just able to change a ticket bought with Frequent Flier Miles without paying the $100 change fee b/c the flight I wanted had seats and the flight I had a ticket on was oversold. I was lucky and several things factored in:
Eric - Please Help Me Understand: Your article made me want to try Inbox and I’m learning it, and think it could change my life... but I don’t understand why, when I click different bundles on the left side (such as promos), why are things I marked “Done” still in there with green checkmarks next to them. The tip says…
I was a kid in the 70s, teen in 80s - never did ludes, but drugs were EVERYWHERE. Oh, and the first alcoholic drink I ever had was at a bar mitzvah at Studio 54.
Oh children, children - I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The 70s and early 80s we’re all about drugs. Ludes were just one tool in the druggie box along with weed, coke, poppers (amyl nitrate - gay party drug) , uppers, downers, and M (that’s what we called MDMA before it became illegal, which became ecstasy) etc.…
Way to go! Yes, not impossible, but much, much harder.
You don’t plummet into a suicidal depression - it doesn’t work like that.
Withdrawal doesn’t happen as quickly as that. I don’t go bananas until at least 3 or 4 days after missing my meds. I think my experience is pretty standard for most SRRIs. That said, abrupt withdrawal is miserable. Always taper, people, always taper.
I’ve only tried HF once; liked it. Agreed - it’s pretty brilliant.
Hey, stop beating yourself up. Pull-ups and push-ups are very different. If you’re a woman, and it sounds as if you are, you’re not built to do pull-ups... at least according to this article.
Truly gender fluid. This is the first I’ve seen of Ruby and it took 5+ minutes of reading and googling to figure out just which gender reassignment surgery she was considering. I honestly couldn’t tell whether Ruby was born male and identifies as female or the other way around.
LOVE Gillibrand! Love her as a Senator. Would love her in the cabinet, would love her on the Supreme Court, or maybe even the White House.
You didn’t misread it. It was incorrectly written and likely never seen by an editor. Hate to be a bitch but sometimes grammar actually matters. Ms. Edwards, master your tools.
Thanks Thorin! This is exactly what I come to Lifehacker for!
OMG I CAN SORT ON GENRE!!! It’s Christmas in July! Hooray - thanks Lifehacker!
Two features I’d kill for:
Everyone is missing the most important piece of info here: this started after she adopted 4 Af-Am kids. Seems likely that this all began as part of her wanting to connect with or to relate to these kids. Sure, maybe she adopted the Af-Am kids AND tried to pass b/c she has some weird racial dysmorphia or something. But…
Uh, you wrote that you hate feminists over 40 and wish they’d become extinct. Yes, there’s the modifier “trans exclusionary” what on earth does that mean? I don’t know any Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists - that’s absurd. Unless that’s what you call feminists who are slightly more concerned with securing equal…
And by all means women - let’s all stay busy tearing each other down in internecine battles. That’s a great way to change the culture and get ahead.