RIP :(
RIP :(
I may not vote for Biden in the primary—but I’m voting for whomever gets put on the ballot from the Democrats. Literally nothing is more important than beating the Republicans; they’ve already gotten as many SCOTUS appointments as Obama has over his entire term, and they’re packing the lower Federal courts with the Fed…
You mean the son of a psychotic right wing evangelical nut job, who was undoubtedly shamed non stop by his father while being constantly told to repress every natural sexual urge a young man feels while growing up, turns out to be someone who, underneath his holier than thou veneer, is actually into some pretty…
Man, I wish I could give more stars for this.
This is good. I like this.
Oh, fuck off with the selective quoting.
My suspicion is that he’s going there to kill Cersei*, the same way he killed the Targaryen King (that being how he earned the nickname of Kingslayer). It’s too big a parallel, really, since Jaime was head of the Kingsguard, and killed the King (violating his sworn oath no less) because the King was going to use…
He’s leaving to kill her.
If you’re Cersei, what’s the downside to just eliminating them all in front of the gates? The lone dragon is grounded, the fleet was smashed by Euron, and the remainder of the Northern army can’t possibly mount an effective siege with its numbers. The Iron Fleet would be free to sail north and sack White Harbor and…
Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.
Tyrion or Sansa should’ve died protecting the other.
They locked themselves into Narrative Prison years ago with the White Walkers story line. There was really no way out without a vaguely unsatisfying ending.
The best part? We can now be done with the stupid magic shit and get back to the far more interesting Machiavellian intrigue.
How about instead of paying a fine, she’s ordered to give that amount to the general scholarship fund of the school she bamboozled? Give a chance to a low or middle-income applicant.
Burton’s version of Sweeney Todd, to me, was an abomination. And I live ‘A Little Night Music,’ which is considered great if niche, and the film version is godawful. And Porgy and Bess, the film version, has been erased from existence because of how awful it was.
Good. It’s in the pantheon of greatest American stage musicals but the movie is pretty bad. I’m not sure there’s a stage musical this undeniably great with a film adaptation this flawed (maybe Carousel or Pal Joey but it’s tough to imagine anyone trying to film Carousel without a radical rethink of how it depicts…
Not trying to be nitpicky, but that is expectation in ANY middle- to upper-middle class suburb. Not just the private school families, but ALL families in an area where at least one parent is in a white collar job. The pressure and competition is getting insane, and to your point, vocational and community colleges are…
This sounds freaking AMAZING! My grandmother made a Sunday sauce (fuck “gravy” ... that’s something only 4th gen New Yorkers say), but never with such a variety of meats. She’d typically do just meatballs and italian sausage. Love the idea of some ribs in there as well.
Step one, move to NYC. Step two take the train to Penn Station during peak hours. Step three, do it for a few months. You will be a crowd navigating machine.
Allen is definitely a creep, but this article can’t even justify itself. Twice the author writes that the age of the female character is unclear, that she is possibly 21, but then unequivocally states “Allen is currently filming a movie in which a middle-aged man has a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.” The…