Actually I don't stack them upright like books, so no "staging area" needed. They're laid flat like the Big Green Giant intended - think frozen veggie seciton in supermarket. But unlike supermarket, my items are not uniform. If I were stacking 10 identical bags of peas it would work, but peas on top of broccoli on…
1) I don't touch or move them often and 2) No. Hasn't been a problem.
I've got a better one (better for me, anyway): Metal bookends to organize areas, especially plastic bags and packages of things like frozen veggies and fruit that fall all over. I use the bookend to section off areas of the freeze and when stock changes, you can easily reposition for new circumstances. Works like…
I'm the type who reads articles like this instead of working on my assignment that's due tomorrow!
Brilliant idea - great self promotion; irritating, presentational performance. Get me Cate Blanchett!
Presuming that you know the minimum wage for tipped works in many states has been stuck at $2.13 for 20 years now. So it's even worse the the regular, lousy minimum wage.
Better Idea: Why don't restaurants actually pay waitstaff a living wage and stop forcing us to subsidize their profits through a) culturally-based extortion and b) taxpayer provided safety nets for the many tipped workers who need government assistance to live. (BTW, yes, I always tip 20%. But it's absurd to have…
Best "How I Work" ever. Thanks Ira for sharing Paul Tough's methods. Frankly, I'd love Lifehacker to do Paul Tough next and see if he's tweaked his system any in the last 20 years. He's an outstanding journalist who has been focusing on education lately both in books ("How Children Succeed") and long-form magazine…
Give yourself more credit as a writer. The essence of good narrative journalism (not that this was a narrative piece, but still seemingly within your wheelhouse) is being able to understand and explain experiences different from your own. And it's not sexism that drives women to wait tables, it's economics. If you…
Excellent piece. Two extra points:
Don't want to spend more... but really don't want my local businesses to disappear. Honestly, online businesses should pay MORE in taxes because the contribute nothing to the community. Not that I want to pay it, but... big picture.
On Yelp, I always scroll down and click on the reviews that are "not recommended." Gives info from the edges - overly complimentary and overly critical.
The girls are sociopaths, or at least the alpha is. Lots of people feel rage and anger, but only someone with the inability to empathize - a sociopath - acts out on those feelings by a premeditated stabbing of a classmate. And yes, this is true of 12 year-olds. You don't need a prefrontal cortex to feel empathy.
It's a great program, but I wish it were easier and more robust when it comes tto add customization such as shortcut keys (yes, I know how, but it's a pain) and the equivalent of Style Sheets.
The problem for me is when this regret keeps me from putting my work out there - and it's a big problem that holds me back. I just finished a MAJOR project, a video that I directed, produced, and edited. We shot in Peru for a corporate client and all in all I did a great job. But all I can see is the one shot…
Just go. Sounds like you want to. If you know work is what's making you miserable, yet you're not taking action to change or improve your situation, then arguably you are at least a little depressed. Even if not, you don't even need to be depressed to see a therapist. Therapists can help in all sorts of ways, not…
I traveld to 12,500 feet in Peru recently and took excessive precautions & still had a rough 24 hours acclimating. There is a prescription medication: Diamox, which maybe helped (hard to say) I had side-effect of pins & needles in hands & feet.
Such a great question and worthwhile post.