Lula Mae Broadway

Silly to pit MPEG Stream clip vs. Handbrake, as they do different things; I use and like both. Handbrake I use to rip ISO files and DVD files to m4v, MPEG SC I use to rip audio or convert file formats. And MPEG SC can do so much more than I use it for. Each tool is excellent and serves different purposes

The queue is meaningless for streamers; only serves a purpose for mailed discs. Why can't they just let us sort on FIELDS!!!? I want to be able to sort on:

As mentioned by preezy, can be VERY time consuming. I once did this at a Sassoon and it took over 3 hours. Also, you can wind up looking like a lot of other people. I was broke in New York and was a hair model for Bumble & Bumble. Good news: they train professional stylists in specific styles, so skill level is

Sure, but there has to be a line. Not unreasonable to draw it between Things You Put in Your Mouth and Things You Put In Your Eyes.

That's what a co-worker of mine describes as "old lady behavior." It's low-rent and will make you a laughing stock. It's also a terrible idea - what if someone else in your household uses it again for contact lenses and burns their eyes from mustard reside.

Best Job Interview Ever:

Nokia 905i. Wireless, Noise Cancellation, with a mic for calls. Love 'em!

I use & like it; it was cheaper when I bought it. Wanted to get it for boyfriend recently - who couldn't remember a single password to any of his email accounts - but balked at the price.

But then near your gross overflowing trashcan, you also need a location for an ugly giant bucket... which you're then going to have to clean the bottom of. Just take out the darn trash!

Another great one from her is: "When people show you who they really are, believe them the first time."

Minimum wage for restaurant workers has been frozen at $2.13 per hour since 1991. And that's before taxes are taken out. Meaning the affected workers literally live off their tips. Fine if you waiter at the Four Seasons. Pretty lousy if it's a diner off the highway.

I mostly work from home and it's taken me YEARS to figure out how to function optionally and structure my day. Basically I follow my old routine at my old job. I do miss the socializing. Have been freelancing at an office for past 3 weeks and really like the camaraderie, as it's a great group. I think it's time to

Agreed - totally doesn't work!

I hardly ever visit, but I take out eBooks all the time! Great, Great resource... maybe poll needs to be rewritten to reflect Virtual Visiting as well.

Don't forget gardening. Last weekend my boyfriend got deep into repotting and rejuvenating some plants & cactus we inherited from our neighbors. He worked on the terrace with the serene concentration of Zen master. He ended his day sweaty, happy, satisfied and the plants look great. Smartly he chose to work on

Following a tip on an LH thread, I made a workflow to launch all the applications I want open when working with a brief pause between them to help increase my boot-up... basically I use this workflow instead of launching a ton of apps on on start-up. However, the "Hide" feature of launching on start-up seems to work

My Dad was USAA and when he died, I was able to join - they reached out to me, actually. Contact them!

I bought an extra battery for my HTC Amaze. Only drag is making sure both are charged. Still on recent business trip, was vry happy to have extra battery in my bag.

Aeron SIZE A! Love the classic Aeron chair, but I'm only 5'2" and the difference between the medium B, which every office has, and the more petite A is amazing for me. Get your Aeon on, but make sure it's the right size for you!

I'm childless, over 40 and until recently very, very single. But most of my best friends have kids... the key is I ENJOY SPENDING TIME WITH THEIR KIDS! If a Mom has to make separate time for you, it'll never happen. But if you can go to the museum/park/on errands WITH her and her darling little Emma/Lucy/Max