Lula Mae Broadway

Low expectations = terrible results. If you expect your children to be monsters (escape plan! allies!) they will meet your expectation and ruin your meal. Raise your children to understand the difference between public and private behavior and have high expectations of them. My niece Emma is only 4, but has a

Yes, those female Cabinet Secretaries, they're just soooo moody, you know. One hormonal shift and a whole policy just gets thrown out the door.

This tip makes me sad - it's like whoever wrote this didn't have a mother to teach them this. Next thing, LH will post tips on using "No More Tears" de-tangler, or how to make chocolate milk.

One of the most sensual scenes in any movie is about this: opening sequence of ATLANTIC CITY with Susan Sarandon & Burt Lancaster. Absolutely 1st rate movie too; early 80s indie gem.

ScanSnap 1500. Very expensive, worth every dime.

Wow - okay, I've never viewed source code before. Very cool! Just did it but couldn't find anything. What page or folders should I typically be searching? It keeps taking eme to ProgramPage.aspx. At one point I had files to chose from (font, images), but can't seem to get that back. I'm using Safari.

Wow - cool. I just learned so much!

Sweet - how did you do that?! I couldn't figure out how to DL - I recorded in real time. Would love to know combo of Browsers & clicks... or did you find them yourself elsewhere?


Nice site - good to know about. Thanks.

A few weeks ago, Oprah & Depak Chopra started a "21 day meditation challenge." Yes, you need to give an email address to access some of it, and you get in via a portal that's all things Chopra, and yes site has stuff he would like to sell you, but it also has some good free resources - including a meditation resource

Good to know. Thanks.

Thanks. So someone actually reads the cover letters? :)

I'm a creative professional with an eclectic resume. In addition to hard competencies, such as copywriting, I'm also a terrific creative problem solver and bring a lot of unquantifiable qualities to the table.

I take classes. I get way too bored on my own and never push myself. Took years of paying unnecessary gym fees and never going... classes are more expensive, but they work for me.

Agreed - much harder for women. A good tip is to notice what other women who are one or two steps ahead of you are wearing and mimic. I love to dress up, and I have eclectic taste, but I realized that my unpredictability in my clothes also made it harder for me to establish a specific image/persona at work. I work

Not always easy to identify what part of something you suck at. I was pursuing screenwriting, and it look me years to realize that while I write very well, I suck at other aspects of the job necessary for success, such as working alone for extended periods on a single project with a far away deadline. Ultimately I

If a microwave is listed as best way to cook a frozen pizza... then that's going to be a lousy pizza, full of processed crap.

OMG - genius! I'm creating 1 now. Looks like it's as simple as 2 commands: Finder Action/Launch Application [insert app name] and Automator Actions/Pause.