
Here’s a little background to this neurostimulation method:

and the worst part is that it’s not even great make-up advice, man, like over-doing it on blush was a tip for the 80s and 90s, not highlight/bronzer/light color of today or whatever it is the kids do. (I usually just wear BB cream these days unless I’m feeling fancy - 5 seconds of application to cover up the red spots

God, those of us who grew up with moms who were like “don’t you want to put on a little blush or mascara?!” before you walked out the door. I’m gonna send this to my mom

If you can’t tell the difference, you are literally one of the most poorly informed people about politics out there. Yes, there are areas where Obama has failed to live up to the hopes of his supporters (drone strikes and surveillance, for example) but on EVERY SINGLE domestic policy issue he has been profoundly to

I'm graduating this year with a PhD. Honestly, I don't feel that worried. Of course it looks grim if you see academia as the only career path, but there's actually a ton of opportunities if you look at all the different fields that deal w/ the sciences. I remember seeing a statistic that even though very few PhDs end

Speaking as someone who just got into grad school, A lot of programs are making a big effort to provide info and opportunity for alternative options to post-docs.

PS. Love the hat in the pic, sorry but I have a thing with hats.

Ah. I can almost HEAR the Hot Chip blasting in the background.

Holy sh!tsnacks!

Now playing

I'll bet no one has ever made THIS reference before!

Coolest Father EVER!!! Also, we don't use the label "cult"...we are a social club with very high expectations of the world around us and very low expectations for ourselves... NERD POWERS where's that Kool-Aid?

I'm Chris Kluwe. I write essays and books, make music, dissect the mechanics of game systems, and try not to limit myself to other people's expectations. I've been reading io9 since before Kinja was a thing, sci-fi and fantasy before io9 was a thing, and very much enjoy learning about all the wild things that happen

That's awesome! Congrats and good luck

I'll start by saying I enjoy these intro posts. Very diverse, and yet not so. We should start a cult! Oh, wait—maybe we are already one.

I've lived in Connecticut my entire life.

You know why I started reading i09? I was reading some other website (have forgotten which) about a movie I was excited to see (don't remember that either) and one of the comments on that article was something like "The nerds over at i09 are already wetting themselves over this." And I was like...

I hope this gets you ungreyed. You sound excellent.

Congrats on getting into your program!

My name is Kevin. I've lived in Connecticut my entire life. I'm 27 and a CPA. I did a stint at one of the Big 4 firms straight out of college, but walked away after a few years of working 65+ hour weeks regularly. I work in financial forecasting for an insurance company now - definitely better work life balance, which

Ours is a jack russell / beagle mix. He literally runs suicides in the apartment at times.