At least it wasn't zinc fingers?
At least it wasn't zinc fingers?
hahahaha “oh honey, maybe a little blush on the cheeks before you go?” Rings through my head all the time!
YES! I love Lala Hathaway AND Snarky Puppy . Their faces when she sings the chord are priceless. A few of my friends were just at the recording of Family Dinner Volume 2 this weekend in NOLA. So jealous.
Rutgers '05 proudly abhorring "Princeton Mom" and her hideous views/outfits.
I have a Danny Concannon story hiding in they greys, I'm very jealous of your Josh Lyman encounter.
Sometime in 2010 or 2011, when I still lived in Hell's Kitchen, I was out with a few friends on a random weeknight. It was getting a little late in the evening, so we headed back to the neighborhood to finish up our night at the small, local, Irish bar we hung out in every single day(it was 400 feet from my apt, laid…
I'm there with you ladies. Everything about this is perfection.
I love that she doesn't care about how bad her dancing is and chooses to focus on how GODDAMN GOOD her singing is.
While I don't usually endorse fraternities or fashion camo...the young man in the camo hat ~2 minutes in, yowza. I would tutor the shit out of him.
I was the same way! My mom went through every formula she could find, while I just spit it all out with utter disgust. Somebody finally suggested a soy based one and I started eating. 30 years later and I still get nauseated at the idea of drinking a glass of milk.
I do not disagree with you. That particular photo made me think of Slaters though. My favorite is a slider from Starks in the Burg. Second is probably Gem's on 36. Occasionally I"ll go for the thick cut though, sometimes you need a heavy dosing of the meatiness. When I buy it on my own I usually eat the thick cut like…
This picture makes me want to drive 2.5 hours home, force Slaters to open at an unreasonable evening hour and make me some thick cut P.E.C. s/p/k. Mmmm the cuts are key!! One of the delis where I live now had a 'special' of Taylor Ham (fools it's pork roll), obviously I had to get it at 2am one night. So sad when I…
I was 3 weeks late and docs gave my mom similar advice. She got in her friend's Jeep Wrangler and they rode over the sand dunes to try and bump me out. Oh the 80s, they sure were a fun time.