
.... you can’t be serious.


Can anyone with thin (as in ‘not a lot of it, should probably start using Rogaine’), fine curly hair advise on the DevaCurl or any of the other products mentioned? TIA!

Can anyone with thin (as in ‘not a lot of it, should probably start using Rogaine’), fine curly hair advise on the

Ha, seriously. Would be way more than $1600 per pig then. $1600 for a genome edited, backcrossed healthy mammal seems pretty legit.

TALENs?? What is this, 2011?? I only want pork that’s CRISPR’d ;)

I’m Irish and Polish. From New Jersey. If I found out he was cheating on my sister, I would be in her house, helping her throw all of his shit out on the pavement and weighing the pros/cons of lighting a bonfire.

I am that really terrible person that is like, EVEN IF, every terrible thing they say about planned parenthood is true, I STILL WOULD NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK. Not one.

I barely even notice the tables; I’m too busy going, “What the fuck am I doing in Times Square and how do I get away as soon as possible OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH YOUR FUCKING UMBRELLA STROLLER AND BAG OF TOYS R US PURCHASES GAAAAH”

The Netflix documentary “Tig” is incredibly moving and funny. She has a really special gift for comedy, and I am so happy she is alive.

I’m sub 28 and I don’t really give a shit! A bit of a trim occasionally, and maybe neaten the bikini line a little if I’m in a bikini. But recently even that’s been a little lazy. I figure people who are offended by pubes are people I want to punish by exposing them.

This. I trim when it starts to annoy me.

When my pubes start getting snagged in my underwear is when I mow it down. Having less pubic hair on my labia also helps fight yeast infections because I ride my bike a lot and sweat.

So I know everyone can do whatever they desire, but I really don’t enjoy when the mens shave it all off. It alarms the fuck out of me.

Omg you don’t even know how thrilled I am that you put the em fah sis on the wrong syl ah belle. I say it ALL THE TIME and no one ever gets it.

Needy boyfriends [ em-fah-sis on Boy]

Also great lube for sexy time with your SO, or hand....


Only child, here. This is 100% accurate for me:

The response I have formulated after 9+ years of being asked when we are going to “give” our daughter a sibling: “After three miscarriages it became apparent that my uterus is for decorative purposes only. But thanks for reminding me about the most painful and heart-wrenching experience I’ve ever had while also