
This is THE musical that started my childhood love of musical theatre, so I might be a bit biased here but to answer your question: YES.

Arizona: it's a dry heat so it's more tolerable than humidity

I'm excited and scared.

I'm actually nervous to listen to it. Real apprehension. I'm also very protective of my Sondheim and I'm excited and scared. Although more scared right now... Should I dare listen?


When people talk shit about NJ I say "Talk shit all you want. It keeps my rent low."

<——NOT representative of my state. Seriously when I traveled through Central America there were people I met that knew practically nothing about the states but if I mentioned I was from NJ it was "OOHHHH LIKE Jersey Shore!?" Egh no...just no.

I live in New Jersey, and everyone thinks of it as nothing but endless grimy industrial areas along the Parkway. But there's a ton of rural areas and woodlands, too:

i'm so sad, and so angry at people who are coopting this tragedy to fuel their racism.

this motherfucker

not to mention all the benefits of hang drying laundry. Since most american standard size clothes don't fit me. ( I'm a smedium ) Hang drying prevents clothes from shrinking up and I can wear small shirts without the arms being too short, otherwise its mediums and having the body to baggy. ( though buying nicer

w o w

This. When I've got my laboratory scientist hat on I am required to properly socialize my mice. When I've got my preventive medicine hat on I am required to kill mice as part of pest control. Rats and mice are vermin that spread disease and not even animal rights activists want the plague.

As a scientist, I can assure you that all of the mice at our institution are treated with a higher standard of care than our graduate students. Guaranteed housing, free food, and defined experimental endpoint.

As a scientist, in fact someone who conducts animal research, I am appalled at this article. The language Chandna is using is completely inflammatory. To suggest that "anything goes in American laboratories" is to be completely ignorant of how IACUC review is actually conducted. It is true that rodent work is not

Well, excited and scared.

she's a perfect person. even her imperfections are perfect.

or "win or lose at least we don't live in New Haven"

As we learned from George W. Bush, that's the Yale Campus you're confusing it with.

However, it beats the shit out of a Psy.D.