
I freely admit to admiring Mathers' talent despite my better judgment otherwise. I dislike his lyrics in most cases, and as I get older I have way less patience for his lack of emotional growth as an artist. It's a pity, too, because he's clearly insanely talented. But his schtick is, frankly, old. The Marshall

What the fuck is wrong with you

Lack of showering and brushing will totally do it. I can pretty much make a creepy hair doll with the amount of hair I lose in the shower. I have 90s Alanis Morissette hair (in your face, thick, unmanageable for hairbrushes). I don't brush it really ever and only wash it about once a week so it's pretty traumatizing

The Catholic Church I used to belong to when I was still trying to please my parents by allowing them to believe their indoctrination had worked on me...they still send me envelopes monthly.

I'm going to start sending them my empty birth control packets on your behalf.


Is now the time when we can stop with the TayHate, and just admit that girl seems like a helluva good time? I absolutely have her high on my Fantasy League: Best Friends Bracket.

I feel like making him more human lends itself to kids figuring out the darker side of it easier.

I know, right? If they wanted the wolf to not be such an obvious representation on sexual desire, why not make him a CGI beast?

I'm 5'1 and people think it's awesome to rest on my head like I'm a gawt-damb table. And the fact that I have an afro? Lord give me the strength to not kill these people. Smaller ladies do get people who will just neglect a person's autonomy.

Its interesting that some people are bringing up the concept of size. I think they meant it in a sense of weight, but I think it can deal with height too. I'm extremely short (barely 4'11'') and guys always comment on how I'm "so cute" and oftentimes at bars, drunk guys think it's okay to pick me up. No thanks, please

Speaking as a 28 year old woman who has walked down many a busy street, I can tell you that what she experienced was sadly not even remotely shocking to me.

Let's be honest: I'm going to see this in the theater. But I'm also going to be even more hypercritical than usual. *looks pointedly at Johnny Depp*

"Stay a child while you can be a child."

If anything, 'Once Upon a Time' stole it's concept from 'Into the Woods,' which has been around for 30 years.

Tears, real tears! Love.

Me and a guy on Twitter think that Abel will kill Gemma and she will go down like Omar at the hands of tiny Kenard on The Wire because death comes for us all.

I find that many people leave their tea bags in for far, far too long and in water which is way too hot. You often see people pour boiling water when making their tea. This is wrong, it gets bitter, and generally tastes terrible. Then you need to put cream and sugar in to mask it. For green teas, I generally steep for

If you go someplace that specializes in tea and get a decent tea, they're usually much better than, say, Lipton or Twining's Earl Grey. Get yourself a decent loose leaf and give it a go without sweetener.

*O* You are the BEST Beetlejuice of this year!!