
Yep. Initially there were a few stats that actually had different effects versus players than they had versus NPCs but the last patch further separated the two allowing for specific tuning to both categories.

Imagine thinking PvP in a Souls game isn’t the “casual” mode.

Correct. Which is why I’m SO glad they finally fully separated tuning for PvP and PvE.

Nick Lee is his name. That info’s already out there. And fuck that piece of shit.

You were never a particularly active individual were you? If so you’d understand how fragile the body actually is.

Individual promotional deals with that number of followers and regular viewers easily net upwards of tens of thousands of dollars for simple hour long ad spots.


Clancy acknowledged that 22,000 creators have asked Twitch to move everyone to the 70/30 mode, but said the company won’t move in that direction, because Amazon Web Services cost too much money. Kotaku reached out to Twitch to ask if they’re being overcharged by their own sister company, but did not receive a

Ok then Apple was the first, again, to remove a feature many people still utilize.

They linked a trailer. But allow me to paint a picture instead: Imagine A Link to the Past.

To be fair, this level of brilliant police work is also why most cops aren’t detectives either.

I will always be of the opinion that PVE and PVP need separate weapon/skill stats in games like this. I know it’s a lot to ask for but it’s always annoying having PVE shit nerfed purely because it’s too effective in PVP. Nerfing it because it’s basically gamebreaking in both is one thing, so I can see Corpse Piler

What if—hear me out on this—we extend that display out to a fullsize one. And I know this is crazy but what if it bent between the screen and the keyboard? Even better, maybe we could add a small touch surface below the keys that serves as a mouse. Plus computers are so small today you could probably fit all the guts

I mean it’s a strong possibility he could be tried for it. He’s not done yet. He did straight up lie under oath multiple times. Plenty of clear evidence of that fact thanks largely to his own lawyer. Not to mention he still has charges to face for his January 6th involvement. Based on how this went and how it’s going

How long have you been in law enforcement? Or where did you get your law degree and in what state are you licensed to practice?

Love Kotaku and all but if the entirety of Kotaku disappeared and stopped covering, well, everything tomorrow it would have nearly zero impact on really any established influencer/streamer’s career. This might kick them a few extra viewers here and there but we’re talking about someone pretty well dug in on his own.

I’m personally not as much of a rabid Doc hater as so much of Kotaku appears to be but this game still seems like hot bullshit.

As others have undoubtedly touched on in these replies, there’s something you have to understand about Peterson and other men like him. Crowder, Carlson, Shapiro, etc. Their outsized egos and short tempers make this type of shit absolutely enraging for them. They can not stand it. And Peterson might be the softest

Oh wow an actually solid, somewhat original idea from Apple again. Been a while.

Hardly anyone picked up this game let alone kept playing it. It’s primarily a few whales and diehard Marvel fans keeping it afloat. So I don’t expect too many major campaign expansions down the line. Hell, I don’t expect there to be much more of a “down the line”.