
He reminds me of a “centrist” acquaintance of mine. Defends right-wing ideologies while trying to be “nuanced” about things... by joking about human rights issues and the like. If my acquaintance’s fate is anything to go by, they soon get ostracised by their peer group but not soon enough. 

I’ve seen this kid around and I still don’t really get what his whole thing is. Like there’s always some vague social or political slant to his appearances but in a really empty and inconsistent way. Is he genuinely just “trolling” for the sake of it? What’s the joke at that point?

Discord, on the other hand, is a for-profit startup that needs to continually scale in order to get bought or eventually go public.

Welcome to capitalism - this is the way. It objectively makes almost every business worse from the customer perspective all in the name of shareholder value. 

Discord, on the other hand, is a for-profit startup that needs to continually scale in order to get bought or eventually go public.

I don’t even know where to start with this. Dodge rolling has always been a dumb, overused mechanic that is mostly the fault of Souls games at this point, and even there, it was limited by equipment weight and stamina.

I’ll reiterate what I said on your last hot-take article ( that we see what we want to see. I most definitely didn’t see Joel as a protector in the show and I found this ending more middle ground between selfish and caring than I did the game. In the game I felt Joel was justified. Here

Gonna be honest, this is a pretty wild read that makes me think the division caused by the ending will not be mitigated at all. Because to me, I was thinking during the finale: “Wow Joel comes off even worse here than in the game.” Especially because the show, for the most part, has avoided Joel being depicted as a

when we’ll finally settle the discourse about whether or not Joel’s actions are justified once and for all.

FarRight MAGA chuds: Freedom of speech man, it’s like really important. You can’t tell youdont like me saying something because that is censoring my freedom of speech.

Having an ex’s nude on your phone that you aren’t sharing with the world is not revenge porn.

Because they consented by sending it, and if you’re not showing it to other people, which is for sure illegal, what does it matter what you do with the photo?

For clarification, I don’t have any explicit photos of anyone on my phone, which is a side-effect of being single since buying a new phone, but I digress...


Too many grey areas for this to ever happen. There’s no way you can make someone you dated delete all their explicit photos of you. And also, why should they have to? If you gave them a nude, they should be allowed to have and look at it forever. Sharing it is a no-go, obviously, but privately enjoying it should not

As if, they want this PVP announcement out of the way, so they can then start dropping hints at a much bigger chunk of DLC come the Keighley

It was actually good. The gameplay was fun (and you bet I turned the difficulty down for boss fights) and the story was just as good. No masterpiece, but this is star wars. Good vs evil, some friendship, yada yada.

It’s really sad that Switch hardware is even holding back their first party titles. This would be a buy for me if they didn’t repeat the mistake of how ugly Arceus is. Ironically this game will be fixed when it uh... arrives on PC.

The video player on Youtube is insanely better than the Twitch one, and the split is 70/30 for creator, but the issue is that Youtube is not there yet as a streaming platform. Discoverability sucks and chat functionalities are not on par yet (but getting there). Probably some other things too. But yeah, give it like a

Hey, what ever happened to her much-covered claim she was quitting OnlyFans in June?

stating she killed her mom

Very disappointed with the NFT shit cause it otherwise maybe has promise.