
Quite literally why we can’t have nice things. Because the moment we do, someone comes along and says “man I could make a ton of money off this nice thing” and that becomes the sole focus. More and more and more and more money.

Don’t worry just like their screens, wireless charging, and USB-C one day in the distant future Apple will begrudgingly admit they can’t come up with better versions of under display fingerprint readers and license that from someone else too, marketing the return of that basic feature as if they’re doing the whole

Why bother competing if they didn’t have to?

More weird crying over the house. Wild how hard people have latched on to that talking point.

Wait, what’s the legitimate criticism? Dude is a successful content creator and bought a $2.7m 5 bedroom house in Los Angeles for him and his mother.

Respectfully and just out of curiosity, what do you do that utilizes that kind of keyboard? I’m a digital artist/designer and video editor (day job in IT) and even doing professional level work with tight deadlines I can’t think of how any of that would actually help me. I don’t need a brush size or zoom knob, I

Maybe if he stopped being such a piece of shit he’d have a bit more support and respect from people other than his fellow piece of shit dickriders.

Hmm Probably cause women don’t do very well in Tech jobs and were most likely the least needed. How about focus on performance rather than gender or race like a misinformed woke journalist?

Hot take here but the the co-op and PVP are both absolute jank fests in From games. Elden Ring is slightly better than it has been in previous titles but no exception to the jank.

It’s not really clear from the video either. It shows off the Colosseum combat but also shows a brief glimpse of a group running together where it says, “Join forces to fight for the Elden Ring.”

I mean, it’s what they are. They’re earbuds designed specifically with gaming in mind focusing on lower latency while retaining respectable battery life at the cost of active noise cancellation. They have non-gaming earbuds available so they use the word to differentiate the version in a concise way.

Yeah dude is retiring because he’s almost 30 and is done beating the shit out of himself for money. Sure he may have a good 5-10 years left in him but he also may have 1 or 2 then spend the rest of his life hobbled. Never know with the NFL. If he decided he has enough money to live comfortably and retire super early,

But gAmEpLaY oVeR GrApHiCs, right?

You know what, looking at this again while we're setting up, it's kind of beige. Not quite yellow. But it looks a bit warmer on TV. Still, not close enough to any kind of white to be a problem.

Right? This makes no sense to me. Our court is definitely nowhere near off-white. It’s closer to a gold. I don’t see them telling the Lakers anything anytime soon. They need to learn how to adjust chroma keying or find a better method. The NFL figured it out with green. What’s their problem? Maybe they should throw

Not a soul on this planet should be surprised.

Well, I mean, rubbin’ is racin’ after all.

I always assumed it did notify the poster when someone “saved” (bookmarked) a video. Then again I hardly use TikTok. It’s not for me at all. I've never posted anything and never bookmarked anything.

Slowly but surely people are beginning to learn to executives at corporations really don’t do a whole lot, as much as they love to toot their own horns about their amazing work ethic. I mean in terms of actual work. They aren’t clocking in for solid 8hr workdays.

That kinda is the PvP format in Souls games.