

I don’t really want to hear your opinions on this

The vast majority of the population outside of insular little corners of the internet that get up in arms over things like this.

Starfield could have 2 worlds and still run like janky, buggy shit on that Creation Engine they’re still patching up and keeping together with bubblegum and duct tape calling it an “overhaul”.

Because a cameo here and there is a lot of work for relatively little money and no real stake. But returning for a starring role in a now incredibly well established franchise is VERY different. And if you think all she’ll actually see from it is her $1.2m base salary for the role you don’t understand how money flows

Pretty much. And any cosmetic items earnable in game are going to be incredibly tedious or rare to get without spending cash. Maybe during timed events for specific currency you have to grind up or something. That’s all the standard way developers turn “just cosmetics lol” into “fuck you, we’re going to find a way to

Just so you know, Jason is making a pretty common racist joke here. He’s not seriously offended, I guarantee you. There’s nothing to regret. There is absolutely no offensive context here.

Eh, probably unlikely for a couple of reasons.

No. The Joker made bank well before the righties hopped on. Because it was a decent film and had considerable hype going into it. An easy film to get the wrong message from, unfortunately, hence the right’s interest, but solid nonetheless.

Looks like no Star Wars we’ve ever seen? It looks like Rogue One but make it Mandalorian-y. Seriously, all these side stories are probably beginning to blur together to those who don’t live and breathe Star Wars.

Because you only rule shit “in” when there’s some evidence for it.

It reduces concepts and aspects of diversity down to points on a graph in a foolish attempt to avoid tokenism, stereotypes, and strict norms by employing tokenism, stereotypes, and strict norms to determine and assign these values.

True. But relative to crypto they’re still fine (for now).

He literally wouldn’t. Daddy paid Elon’s way into an Ivy League school and from there immediately into a rapidly snowballing early tech industry.

I certainly don’t wish ill on anyone but when your bullshit pyramid scheme falls apart and costs so many people their livelihoods for foolishly believing you, you should probably expect some sort of response from those people. Kwon is lucky people are just kind of used to getting absolutely fucked on investments and

Oh they exist, alright. Among the very small set of people at the top of the food chain selling off just before every huge drop while telling people to hold or get in at the “sale price”.

Correct. Like Trump, Musk is one of these executives who loves to brag about how much of a workaholic they are, how incredible their work ethic is, how they’re up at 4am every day then nose to the grindstone for 12+ hours straight, how they’re first in last out, how they live to work...when in reality all that is

I’m in my mid 30s and mod/edit in my admittedly limited freetime for a couple of female Twitch partners. I totally understand why people watch and pay, people just don’t like admitting it for whatever reason.

I’ve got nearly 300 hours in Elden Ring (I got a late start) and countless more in other FromSoft games and although I get the ‘jokes’, they’re all pretty awful. It’s like he skimmed the games’ subreddits and just reposted all the same old tired memes and observations.

This is also why I can’t stand that stupid “HODL!” meme that has been running for the past few years now. Anytime you see or hear that regarding meme stocks or crypto you need to understand who is pushing that message and why.