
There hasn’t been a single Kotaku or G/O media article that has had anything more insightful to say than your average Twitch streamer. If the articles here can be considered news “coverage” those streams can be too.

Holup, correction, let me try again with ads on...

This yall?

Really wish they’d stop teasing shit like this. Just announce it when it’s ready, this ain’t Hollywood. This isn’t a damn YouTube channel farming for more views.

They can take that chance. It’s actually their job as a police officer to take that chance. They’re at least theoretically trained to take that chance. They’re given expensive-ass protective gear, top tier medical care, and heaps of legal protection should that chance became a reality.

As a digital artist of some 20 years now and an occasional video editor, I don’t know about this.

Hey so I’ll be the first to admit I’m no sneakerhead and I think that whole obsessive subculture is often trying way too goddamn hard. But even if you do fall within it I don’t understand how you cant see this shit as anything other than lazy.

Imagine you haven’t been intimate with someone in a very long time, maybe never at all. An attractive woman suggestively sucking on your ears is more than enough for people with that level of thirst.

Guarantee it’s something simple like she signed a deal with some company but they weren’t cool with the porn. Or she’s just finally accepted there’s more future potential if she reimagines her content in a more brand friendly way instead of banking on desperate lonely dudes who apparently have never typed “busty

It has needed to get back to its roots for several iterations now. It’s complete and utter nonsense at this point. Just go back to illegal street racing and the already ridiculous culture around that. We don’t need to be going to space and shit. If they want to slip in the whole international mystery angle that’s

If you think this shit isn’t wayyyyy more common off stream than it is on stream you’re absolutely lying to yourself.

And that’s on Twitch alone. I imagine there’s another million or two at least on YouTube.

Professional sports remains the most watched form of entertainment on the planet. Tell me more about how you don’t understand people watching something they could just go do themselves.

Small aside, but:

It looks cool. If that admittedly subjective take is too much at the very least it’s a genuinely interesting effect akin to Minecraft with shaders. Maybe lighten up and enjoy things without overanalyzing them to death.

But then again, Q2 is the best single player game Id ever made by far

Oh he’s dumb as hell but in this case, nah, he 100% knows what a burner phone is. You don’t get up to the shady bullshit he and his cohorts do while in the public eye without knowing all about every method of keeping shit as lowkey as possible. Not to mention he would have been advised/briefed on countless national


Correct. I guarantee Twitch cut him a settlement check.

If that were the case, Beahm would be free and clear to say whatever he wants about the ban and Twitch’s alleged breach of contract since he’d have no need to keep it under wraps and no NDA/contract to worry about maintaining.