As a kid...
As a kid...
Hate to say it, but it's probably too late for both Mustangs...
A-hole father-in-law has two 60s Mustangs rotting under his carport. I offered to buy the 67 Fastback, and bring it back to life. He refused and said he's going to restore it. It hasn't moved in the 16 years I've been with his daughter. Asshat...
Class! Good on you Mr. Driver!
I had a VR6 Passat wagon with cold air and an exhaust. Sounded like...well, love...
Number fucks given?
Yeah, it's terrible. Swing on over to Lake Norman, in Charlotte, and check out the NASCAR driver's houses. Buncha shacks and singlewides...
If you forget your kid in the car, you're an idiot. There should be a test before one can have children.
Yes...yes they are. USAA bank here. No need to ever go into a branch again when you have smartphone apps for banking, and superior phone customer service.
Maybe you should check just what a double inguinal hernia entail before opening your pie hole. Yeah...did you check? It involves...drum roll please... "...getting your fucking stomach cut open...". That, and the two 5"X7" section of surgical titanium mesh that I had implanted to ensure that my guts don't spill out…
My wife tried the "I just had a caesarian" with me...then I reminded her of my double hernia. I was down and out for far longer than she was...
SC is using 4 door Chevy Silverado pickups, and as we all know, you can't swing a dead cat w/o hitting a Chevy pickup in South Carolina! Saw a blacked out Tahoe pulling a guy yesterday too!
My buddy Art tried to talk me into doing one of these lunatic cleanse regimens. I passed...and after 6 days, he got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. His girlfriend found him hours later, in the tub, in a pool of his own blood. Seems he passed out from weakness, and hit his face on the spigot. …
Does Huayra mean 'short shift'?
Shouldn't that be "Thlee Brind Mice"?
Octane? My 5.3l Yukon XL knocks like crazy under WOT with 87 octane in the tank. 93 Octane? No knock, and 1.3 to 1.5 mpg better mileage. And I think we all know that the 5.3 is a meatball...
Horseshit! The TPMS light came on in my Yukon XL not long ago. The digital readout said, "Low Pressure Warning". I cycled thru the menu and the RR tire had 14psi...which immediately went to 7psi. Shortly thereafter, like 1.5 seconds shortly, the truck got a little squirrely, and the stability control kicked in. …
I has the sad now.
Someone needs to option this, and make a freaking movie!
Now THAT is a proper sounding car!