
Maybe I'm late to this little pill party, but why doesn't Clarkson just fly private? Not like he doesn't have the cash...

Two words : Road head

Spike looks like the kid with Down's that bags my groceries at Publix.

She's the very definition of a whore. She. Had. Sex. For. Money. On. Camera. Clear enough? And she is, in fact, fat.

Really? You're going to defend someone who is famous for having their sex tape leaked by their own mother? OoooooKkkkkkkk......

The most unflattering part of those outfits is the talentless fat whore that's wearing them.

Where in SC? Can't swing a dead cat w/o hitting a Walmart here...

Go home're drunk...

Sorry...this isn't news. The library on campus at U. of SC has always been a prime location for hookups. It was 20+ years ago when I was there, and it likely is now. Huge, quiet, several level are below ground, and myriad "private quiet study" rooms with locking doors.

Benit merde!!!!

Yukon XL. Plenty of space to spread out. Plenty of power. Room to make driver changes while moving. 30+ gallon tank. Quiet. Full entertainment system. Big windows for watching the landscape roll by. Will run 80+ ALL DAMN DAY. Plenty of room for wayward female hitchhikers who are "leaving Kansas forever..."


Kitchen ————————->that way...

Bad scene all around, but if you've ever been to NYC, no one looks before stepping out, or they try to cut lanes while crossing.

I think you guys spelled 'moron' incorrectly...

His insurance would handle it without an increase in his premium. They would pay him, then file a subrogation claim against the city's insurance. Happens all the time...

Is it just me, or does it seem that Taylor Swift likes the COCK a bit more than normal?

Where's Dexter when you need him?

Oh, you mean like the two bombs that ended WW2, and brought about peace?

Peace through superior firepower