
Cop : Where are you in such a hurry to get to...?

512BB Female friend in HS had an uber-cool dad. He let me drive it around the neighborhood...a whopping 3 miles. It was enough. He still has it, and still drives it. Transcendent experience...

Tell momma I'm feeling sickly...

Two possible outcomes. Ventura gets his ass beaten my an old man, OR... Ventura beats the ass of an old man. Either outcome renders Ventura an asshole...

Seeing which team, and driver it is, Waldo will be smeared on the wall somewhere between turns 1 and 2...

You're right. A bunch of men in banana hammocks, with shriveled genitalia, rubbing self tanner and baby oil on each other. Gotta say, all the bike races I've done, the possibility of that happening has never occurred. Nor have I ever heard, "Dude, your HUGE!"

Internet tough guy...easy to say who/what you are on an anonymous internet forum. Enjoy oiling up your buddies at the gym...

It's all fine and well, but people with families, and the shit that goes along with them, simply find these small hybrids not of any real use. If GM put a good turbo-diesel in the Yukon XL, I'd have one of those instead of the 18mpg Yukon XL I have now...

Lifted weights plenty. Even did a few cycles of D-Bol in college...while I was a college athlete. Now a cyclist. I know both Worlds.

Yeah, you're's only the second most popular sport on the planet...behind soccer. You may know return to your regularly scheduled program of over-sized steroid addled 'athletes' running into each other...

Looks like he painted Tony Soprano behind him too...

If you had the money for this contraption, you'd have the money not to drive a piece of shit that NEEDED this contraption. Just sayin'...

I've ridden for 20+ years. I hurt my back a few years ago, and nearly gave up the bike(s) until I spent a full day at the fit studio, and got a Retul fit. Not only did the bike get adjusted, but the fitter changed my cleat position, as well as putting shims under the cleats, and adding new custom insoles. I've

Detroit would be the easiest. Not like he'd really affect the flow of traffic by blocking off streets. Then again, he probably wouldn't even need to involve the Police, until after the hauler and rally car got jacked.

I usually deuce out because I've had my recommended daily allowance of fiber. Oh, and I know a girl who's a "virgin". Let's just say the golf ball didn't get thru the garden hose on it's own.

NASCAR's list of banned substances is LONG! Hell, he could have been on cold meds and failed.

Oh...forgot Tiger Woods. Funny how he was skinny, got huge, and is sort of skinny again. Roid bloat much?

Who's the bigger pussy? the guy on FB, or the guy who jumped out of the way?


The vacuum from his asshole slamming shut is what kicked the car to the left. It's called "The Sphincter Technique".