
Wow, look at the accident, and all of the action! I think I'll record the douchebag with the iPad...

Jeep SRT8 or Supercharged GMC Yukon. Both are big, fast, will take a crap-ton of abuse, and once in traffic, fairly innocuous.

Better writing than TopGear USA...just sayin'...

Contour or 626?

X3? Looks too small/narrow to be an X5...

Trip home for Christmas in college. Sc to Pa. In a 87 Jeep Wrangler. Jeep wasn't fast in the first place, so it was a 10-ish hour trip in GOOD weather. Left SC @ 10am. Started to snow in NC mountains (I-77). Clicked in 4wd, and drove 45-ish up the mountains into Va. About an hour later, the transfer case went


So I was correct?

Rene should tell Mr. Fazel, and his 3rd rate legal education to, in legal parlance, GET FUCKED!

No Benetton F1?

Cars run on gas. Gas is made of oil. Oil is made of dinosaurs. Dinos in Jurassic Park. Sam Jackson in Jurassic Park. DeNiro in Jackie Brown with Sam Jackson. DeNiro in Sleepers with...Kevin Bacon. It's all a circle folks...

I'd make every effort to show her what 'Scandanavian Flick' really means? Then I'd just apologize and walk away...

That would have turned out well... (rolls eyes)

Or, while they were both bitching, just bounce the V12 off the rev limiter...all while mouthing, "I'm sorry, can you speak up?"

Shoulda punched the ginger...just sayin'...


Yeah...and? This thing can probably run away from most 'sports cars', and you can haul your family and your belongings to boot. Still, $50k for a used tuner car with no warranty? CP

I can think of far worse things to do on a Sunday morning...

Costs less than a golf cart...will not be accepted at the country club...NP

And once you've dried a few dozen washings of dishes, you can attend a clinic at Lowe's, and learn how to replace the water damaged drywall.