Modern Major General

Its really sad that liberals are becoming the new moral absolutists because of cases like this. We need more lenient judges, not fewer. When other judges see this case, they’re going to give harsher sentences for lesser offenses. That’s going to affect black and brown people more than anyone.

He’ll piss on Christ the Redeemer and lie to the Brazilian congress about it.

So you’re saying that after reviewing all of the evidence, a Brazilian inspector looked over at Lochte, and was like,

Michael Phelps promptly shattered Lochte’s short-lived record by getting indicted much faster and on a much more difficult crime.

They’re clearly all suffering from uromysitisis!

Yes! Why do people feel soo entitled to her space? She’s fired the guy and called him out as an ass. There’s nothing left for her to say to you... I'd block you too!

Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let

Looks like a great opportunity for fireworks over Rockefeller Center. They can do shapes like a cowboy hat now.

shup and sit down, it was all done by God.

Yeah! Fuck Science!

It pisses me off when I’m a Mercy and I’m healing them, and they just suddenly abandon me.

Mercy is a monster with her pistol, when people aren’t lazy. If Rhein is topped off, I’ll rip apart the Bastion he’s shielding us from in no time.

I would Reinhardt and stick to you like glue. I have the same prob with him, whenever I pick him, nobody stays behind the goddamn shield and helps pour on the damage. Everybody is off doing their own thing.

Yeah, I really hate those matches where no one else wants to play tank nor support.

*joins game

WRONG. It’s actually just one guy named Ralph Blizzard and he appreciates taking priorities from people posting in comments sections so he knows what to work on first.

Dear Representative Daniel,

This is probably Ludacris’s boilerplate contract ride for when he tours. A lot of bands ask for stuff like toiletries and clean underwear when they tour, because, being on a bus and going directly from show to show, the venues are often the only chance they have to shower for long stretches between hotel stays.

tl;dr a man born in 1850 has some thoughts that we in 2016 no longer agree with

She will give us 4-8 more years of the very same shit we’ve had for the last several generations. Some people are fed up with that, and want something different. But there doesn’t really appear to be an alternative outside of Sanders, who we all know is better served at moving the bar, than being the bar. I don’t like