Not only that, I I know kings of England and I quote the fights historical (From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical).
Not only that, I I know kings of England and I quote the fights historical (From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical).
I’m so glad America has a steady stream of old white men to tell me I’m wrong about everything I experience.
Much like “Tax Reform,” business interests and republicans are really good at informing people just enough to make them comfortable in taking up a position and defending it but not enough to give them the whole picture for a balanced analysis.
Even then it isn’t enough. See: Hulk Hogan, Donald Sterling, etc...
That’s a lie! They have “All day breakfast.”
Racism takes a lot of forms other than “I hate all black people.” It’s entirely possible to be a racist and still harbor serious racism. Hell, I’ve seen white racists who are married to black women.
Speaking as a biracial individual, it matters not one damn bit if you’re light skinned, dark skinned or mixed. You’re “black enough.”
He didn’t bring enough for whole foods.
Well you know, Obama may be black, but he isn’t BLACK black.... He never tried to stab his mother or hit his friend with a frying pan or personally introduced gang warfare to Detroit like Ben Carson.
I’m mostly just being pedantic for humorous effect. However, if he were paraphrasing, he could have changed the word and put it in parenthesis or left off the quotation marks.
You get credit for quoting one of the world’s greatest comedians, but you lose points for the misquote. It’s actually “I’m against picketing, but I don’t know how to show it.”
“It’s easy to praise past activism”
Yep, never happens bro.
I’m always amazed at how much I’ve learned about my fellow black Americans by listening to white people. Apparently they all majored in African American Studies.
Never claimed you said “every state.” Reread.
About O’Neal? He was convicted of statutory rape for consenual sex with a 15 year-old when he was 16. Massachusetts has no Romeo and Juliet provision. The conviction had long-lasting effects as he was barred from entry into Canada almost a quarter-century later.
Just so I can get this straight..... Is the new liberal position sentencing reform, less warehousing for the convicted and a more humane justice system but only for crimes deemed “acceptable” or has the left just thrown in with the GOP on the “death for any and all offenses, including minor traffic” train?
Absolutely. A judge doing his job and considering a motion put before him by a defendant and actually considering the law and evidence must be engaging in the same illegal activity as the defendant. There’s no other possibility.
Patrice O’Neal would beg to differ (if he weren’t dead of course).
So if I get mugged tomorrow and decide movies are to blame, you’ll go along with that because I get to decide because it was my experience right?