
Totally agree. I have yet to buy an Xbox 1 or PS4. Fuck ‘em.

Lol. Sure.

Those breaks are ridiculous.

I want to reach through the screen and just shake you and be like "Your sex drive is natural and good!"

Disclaimer: I drink consistently, and historically haven't had the best judgement. (Examples include: "Dude, I wonder what the cops are up to over there. Lets sneak up on them and see. It'll be FINE." and "Dude, the train never runs this late. Let's go over the bridge. It'll be FINE.")

Smart. No fear of saying the wrong name in bed.

For all you know it could be a violent ex-husband / boyfriend. Little newsflash for you - a gun is the only real protection you have from one of them.

Possibly an abusive ex-boyfriend?

This is amazing. Your mom is clearly my wife (such awesomeness cannot be duplicated) - which would make you my 11 year old son. Since this conversation took place when you were 15... Time Travel!

Your use of 'twatwaffle' brightens my day.

Sure. These are just the first that come to mind. Do a google search for "ebook (genre of your choice) publisher" - lots of stuff out there.

Lots of ebook publishers will look at your unsolicited manuscript too - and they usually provide final editing, formatting and cover services for free. With these places you usually split royalties 50/50.

And that's cool, but if you're unwilling to be clear about what you want someone to do, how likely is it they'll do it?

My thing is, people immediately connect gangs to racial groups. I feel like some of the people outraged by 'cripmas' might want to rethink their stereotypes on who gangmembers are.

You are the best.

No, that's pretty much what they do.


This is only my understanding here: The lesson I took away from it all is that her mistake was saying she was firing a warning shot. In legal terms, if she was REALLY in fear for her life (to justify self-defense) she wouldn't have done a warning shot - she would have shot to kill.

You're right.

Banging hot moms is NOT gross.