
I was just thinking how utterly exhausting it must be to be in the public eye and have every word dissected to no end by billions of people. JJ Abrams gave us Fauxlivia Dunham. It’s cool, JJ, have a nap.

Omg dude, so much this. I remember when Jez first reported on his comments a week or so ago there were all these people howling about how he had “Erased women from the fandom.” I mean for fuck sakes. I’ll say it again: I always thought it was clear that he was acknowledging that the franchise hadn’t done much to

I rewatched episode 4 recently and was surprised at how Luke, Han, and Chewie were all happy their plan to get to Leia worked, and then were shocked that they had no clue on how to escape the cell block. Leia is like, jeez, way to halfass a plan fellas, grabs Luke’s blaster and gets them the hell outta there, “into

I wish there were more room in the modern media world for a bit more easy generosity between folks. It’s wearying to always be demanding apologies, you know? People goof. They say stupid shit. They get tired. And it sometimes feels like we’re all just waiting for someone to piss us off so we can purge some hateful

Unpopular opinion time: I was not pissed when he made the first comment. I thought it was pretty clear that he meant that the franchise hadn’t really gone out of its way to invite women in (which is true), not that women are incapable of being fans.

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.

That being said though (Thanks Jon!), replying with “they deserve to be believed at first until they’re disbelieved based on evidence” is a pretty good spur of the moment reply. She could have refused to answer or said something stupid about it not being relevant or something.

Came here to say this.

I feel exactly the same way. When ever I see his name trending I get so excited but it’s never what I hope. “Oh please God let it be...” but then it’s just him still being gross enough to stay in the news every few months. I know it’s wrong to pray for it but it’s completely involuntary.

for once I may agree with Zimmerman....she does seem to have shitty taste in lovers.

“She’ll sleep with anyone”

i really don’t condone violence

In a series of tweets, the bigoted folk hero accused a woman of sleeping with a “dirty Muslim,”

Not trying to be flip here, but please. Everyone. Stop dating this guy. For a lot of reasons.

The fact that Trayvon Martin is dead and this dipshit piece of human garbage still gets to walk the earth as a free man will enrage me until the day I die.

All I’m saying is that her intentions were on point, and a new career for floundering English majors just opened up: Rephrasers. They’re like publicists, except that they’re not super career-oriented and instead really care about the jouissance of magazine interviews, but they’ll also help you edit your opinion so

Yup, I'm totally willing to forgive. This is probably her experience, and since she's a fighter and not a lesbian nor a sex therapist nor a medical professional, I see no reason why she'd be expected to know much about other women's experience. She just assumed it was similar to hers, which is a natural thing for a

I think that’s where she was coming from, she an MMA fighter and not someone who has a degree in vaginal dryness like Dr. McStuffems MD